Chapter 2

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Once the final bell rung I threw all of my stuff into my bag and headed out the door and started walking towards the spot that me and my "friends" meet. "Hey guys." I said with a cheery smile. Ashley, Courtney, and Paris all said hi back but Whitney just waved, as usual. "Did you guys hear bout Ricky and how he came to school wasted?" Courtney asked, I wanted to say yes but couldn't find a voice to-do so. "No" Me, Ashley, and Whitney replied in unison, but Paris said yes. "Ok I gotta get to my bus text me later." Whitney said waving goodbye. We all said our goodbyes and walked away. I was thinking about texting them but they never answer. I wouldn't exactly call them "friends" their more like backstabbers, not as bad as Ricky but still pretty bad.
As I made my way to my car, I noticed someone leaning up againist my passagener side. Once I finally realized that the person was none other then Ricky I picked up my pase. "Ricky what in the hell do you think your doing?" I questioned and it seemed like I scared him noted through the little jump of surprise. "Well you drove me here you can drive me back." He spit, wow thanks for being nice Ricky "Do I look like I'm your maid?" I let out. "Well you cant just leave me here just take me back." Ricky is really pushing it "Ok fine whatever but call me piggy once and I'll leave you on the side of the road." I said with a slite temper. "Ok sassy." Well at least its better then piggy I guess.
When we finally arrived at his house, he reached over and turned down the volume on my radio. "Why the hell are we here, I meant back to your fucking place." He growled. "Oh hell no I'm not taking you back to my house." First of all because he's an ass second of all I haven't had anyone over in 8 years I'm not going to break that record today. "Just take me back to your place." Ricky said in a demanding tone. "Fine but first what's the magic word?" I asked adding a cheeky smile at the end for effect. "Not with this bullshit." He groaned. "What is it or you can get out of my car." I threated. "Please." He snapped. I reached over turned up the radio and started driving back to my house.
We had finally arrived at my house, having my radio drown out the silence was nice but not as pleasent as I was hoping. But at least the last thing that was on my mind was my parents and I really enjoyed it for once. When we got out of my car and went inside my house Ricky finally broke the silence by saying, "where's your parents at?" That was it I almost broke but I couldn't show it no one knows what happened between me and my mom and only some people know about my dad. So I just brushed the question off and told him that they were traveling business people that are barely ever home, the excuse I use way to much sadly. "Wow your really fucking lucky then." He said, I wouldn't call myself lucky even if that lie was true it's no fun being alone a lot. "Yea I guess you can say that." I said trying not to seem sad but probably failing, not like he could tell he was still some what drunk but not as bad as this morning. "Well ya gonna show me around?" He questioned, I responded by saying sure and started showing him where everything was.
Once I finished showing him around we walked back down the hallway towards the kitchen. "What's in that room?" He asked pointing to the white French doors at the other end of the hallway. I was afraid of that question, that room was my moms room the one I haven't been in since the night she left, the room where it all began. "Oh it's just my parents room they don't want anyone going in there." I said biting my cheek to hold back the tears, the tears that would get me trapped in my lie. He nodded and finished walking to the kitchen with me left behind staring at the doors, I needed to walk away or it will happen its my only option to stay happy right now.
After a while of small talk and awkward silence, he finally ordered an uber and left. When he walked out of the door I locked it behind him. Once I was 100 percent sure that he was gone I went back into the hallway and sat up against the double doors and let it all go, every piece that was broken today was pushing to be let out and I let it. I hate telling that lie, I hate being this way but I won't give up. I stood up and ran into my room and grabbed my 8th journal and a pen. I opened up and started writing the date and what happened today, how I almost broke down, gave Ricky ride. Not the most interesting thing but its what happened. These journals I've written every single night since the day my dad died when I was 8 and I'm now 16 & a half. I had finally finished writing and I got up and went into my bedroom. Once I got a shower and changed I turned off the lights and drifted off to sleep.

My eighth Journal (Ricky Dillon AU)Where stories live. Discover now