Chapter 3

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As I open my eyes with a bright stream of sunlight leaking in through my window. I rolled out of my bed almost dragging my white comforter with me, but at least it was a Saturday which means no school for me. As I padded towards my bathroom I heard the doorbell ring. Strange, who could possibly be at my door at 10 am? Once I unlocked my door and opened it the last person that I thought it could be was standing in front of me, Craig White my moms boyfriend that owns Whiskers. "Well hello Isabel." Craig beamed. "Why the hell are you here Craig?" I groaned, I really don't care for him its not like he knows what happened and he wasn't apart of it but that still doesn't mean I need to be nice to him. "Well someone's grumpy." Ok thats pushing it. "Why do you care? Just tell me why your here." "Look me and your mom talked about it and we want you to move in with us." Why would I? I never even want to see another picture of my mom let alone live with her she's left her mark on me way to many times. "Um absolutely not, have a nice day Craig bye." I said shutting the door in his face making sure I locked it. I will never feel bad for what I just did, am I supposed to? I padded back to the bathroom, changed into a blue and white striped crop top and some cut off shorts, put my blonde hair into a ponytail, watched my face, and brushed my teeth. Once I got back to my room my phone lit up with a text. When I turned on my phone I realized that it was from Craig and I ignored it, I really don't care about him nor my mom. I needed to get away from this, I can't live in this memory, this house, this sadness. That's when I decided that I wanted to go on a mini vacation just for this weekend, I have enough money saved up for gas, food, and a hotel room. I rushed back to my room grabbed a backpack and collected all of my stuff and within 10 minutes I was ready to go. I was on my way to the front door when the doorbell rang. Who in the world could that be? I swear to god if its Craig again I'm just going to walk past him and drive off not saying a word. Once I unlocked the door and opened it to reveval who was ringing my door bell, I was shocked to see Ricky standing in front of me. What could he possibly need that he would come here? "What are you doing here Ricky?" I questioned not knowing if he was drunk or not. "My parents are mad at me, you can drive me to Orlando and drop me off at a hotel." Ok he's pissing me off right now. " Well first of all I'm going somewhere on my own and second of all I'm not your fucking taxi Ricky." Why in the world would he think that I can just automatically drive him anywhere with no problem. "Then just take me where you're going." Oh he did not, how could he? "Oh hell to the no ok look I'm going to the beach for a day to get away so leave be and get an uber or something." I said locking the door and pushing past him towards my car. "Look just take me with you I need to get away too." Get away from what? "Get away from what Ricky? Your fucking horrible life oh wait you don't have one you should be happy about your life. You have wonderful parents that actually give a shit about you, you have a roof over your head, and amazing fucking friends. There's kids out there that have non of those, now tell me that you have a suck ass life cause you don't Ricky." The only thing I didn't mention was I am one of those kids all I have that they don't is a roof over my head. "Oh so you have nothing to say do you?" I said. "I don't know what to fucking say ok you don't know the truth pig." Ricky snapped and right now the whole pig thing doesn't phase me. "Oh I don't know the whole story huh, well you don't know shit Ricky you have no fucking clue of what other kids go through and your upset trying to run away cause your grounded. Wow big fucking deal Ricky." After that we just stood there in silence, rage written clear on our faces, I seriously just can't believe him right now. "Ok so for once you don't have a smart ass comment do you?" I snapped. "That's what I thought." I turned around and opened the drivers side door, got in, threw my backpack into the back seat. As I started my car I heard the passenger side door open, I looked over and saw Ricky getting inside. What the hell does he think he's doing? "What are you doing?" I questioned because like seriously. "Look I'm sorry I know I over reacted but can you still take me to where your going? We don't have to stay in the same room nor talk to each other at all but please?" Ricky nicely asked, woah nicely? "Um sure but I don't want to hear you ever complain bout how shitty your life is. Understand me?" He nodded and I backed out of the driveway to start the 2 hour drive to Cocoa Beach.
After 2 hours of driving in complete silence besides the radio blaring, we had finally arrived at The Sealodge a hotel in Cocoa Beach. As we grabbed whatever we had brought, and got out of the car I noticed that it looked to be very busy but its a big ass hotel it should 2 extra rooms right? Once we got inside and we walked over to the front desk, were a red haired older woman, named Patty, stood. "How can I help y'all today?" Patty questioned in a very sweet southern accent. "Yes um just 2 basic rooms would be fine." I said not really knowing what to say, never really went to a hotel by myself. "Oh let me see. It looks like we only have one room left, that's it." Are you fucking kidding me, like is this for real? "So no other rooms just one that's it?" I asked. "Yep just one, its one of those nice weekends when everyone is trying to take advantage of this lovely weather, ya know." Great just great. "Do you know if any other hotels have 2 rooms?" I know its rude but I'm not staying in the same room as Ricky. After a while of searching and calling up different places she finally told us the news, " no all of the hotels that are within an hour drive are booked I'm sorry, but would you still like the one room?" Patty asked, I guess we had to there's really no other option. "That's fine we'll somehow make it work." I said unenthusiasticly. Patty gave us the card and told us the room number, at least it had two beds that's a relief. Me and Ricky headed towards the elevator, once we I got in I pushed number 5 and we were on our way up. I'm happy I brought my journal this would be an interesting thing to remember. Once the elevator doors opened, we rushed out and started trying to find our room. "514 here it is." I stated, sliding the room card into the door to unlock it. When I walked into the room I noticed that it was pretty big but not to big, the walls were tan, and all the furniture was dark oak. I padded over to the closet and threw my bag inside of it, closing the doors afterwards. I rushed over to the window and pulled the blue curtains back to see a beautiful view of the beach. Wow I made the right decision to come here, even if I have to sure a damn room with Ricky. As I turned around I noticed Ricky walking out of the bathroom, "checking out the room?" I asked. "No you drove for 2 fucking hours with out stopping, a boy has to take a piss once in a while." He said. "Well excuse me you weren't even supposed to come, so I can still kick you out." I said trying to be assertive."Ok whatever, I'm heading to the beach, bye." He said turning around heading out of the door. I should really go down with him but I think if we are going to be here we're going to need food. With that I grabbed my wallet and headed down towards the lobby. I got into my car and asked Siri where the nearest grocery store was and she started GPS to a Publix 2 miles away. So I turned on my car and put Trevor Moran's new ep Alive on repeat. Once I arrived at Publix, I grabbed a cart and started throwing food into it. When I got everything I need, I headed up to a checkout line. After I paid for everything and loaded it all into the car, I hopped in and drove off back to the hotel. Once I got back to the hotel I parked my car, got out, and grabbed all 5 bags of grocery's. I rushed to the front doors and to the elevator. When the elevator opened up to the 5th floor I rushed over to room 514, slide the card in and opened the door. After unloading everything I checked my phone to see that it was only 2:45. So I decided to head down to the beach and chill for a bit. I grabbed a towel, my phone and headphones, and some sunscreen. I got back into the elevator, once I got to the bottom floor, I headed towards the back door that lead to the beach. As I walked across the beach, I felt relaxed for once in such a long time. Once I found a nice spot I laid down my towel, and sat down. I turned on my phone and went to Audible to If I Stay. I plugged in my headphones and laid down, as the voice started to read.
4 hours later, darkness had set in and I had listened to the whole book, so I decided to head back to the and get a shower. I grabbed my towel and my sunscreen and walked to the hotels back door. Once I got to the elevator I pushed the number 5 and checked my Instagram real quick. When the elevator finally opened I walked out towards my room and slide the card in to open the door. When I walked in I saw Ricky sleeping on the bed next to the bathroom. So I quietly got my stuff and headed to the bathroom. Once I got into the bathroom I locked the door and started the shower. I got in letting the warm water drape over my body, letting it wash my worries and pains away. After I got done in the shower I dried off and braided my hair, put on a yellow tank top and some grey sweatpants, and brushed my teeth. I unlocked the bathroom door and walked over to the closet to grab my journal and a pen. Once I wrote down what happened today I slipped it back into my bag, I'm not going to leave it out Ricky does not need to know my secret all he needs to know is my lie. I padded back over to my bed, pulling the covers back and a lying down. After a while of thinking I finally drifted to sleep.

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