Only Us

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Hello reader. This book was written when I was very young so there is lots of spelling and punctuation errors. I recently decided to update this book so please bare with me in the process. This book is definitely a construction area so read with caution lol
Not only am I changing the spelling and punctuation errors but there some parts of the book I'm probably gonna switch up and add some in depth chapters so be on the look out 👀.
  Thank you in advance
Carry on 😇


         Only us

" Oh Wow! Merle" I gasped looking at the gun that was placed in a small black box, it was wrapped horribly but I could tell much effort went into it. "thank you so much! I really love it"

"Anything for the lil girl" he said patting the top of my head
"ill teach you how to shoot soon so until than you keep dat gun in the holster"

"Ok! I will" I smiled

"Get some sleep ok kid-o?" Merle said looking at me sternly.

"Yeah okay" i nodded  as I started walking into my small room.
Small it was. Considering all the things Merle does around this place you'd think we could get and upgrade around here, But I guess not.
I walked over to my dresser in the corner of the room and stripped myself of my ragged clothes and replaced them with some sweats and a lose shirt.
I ripped open the covers  to my bed curled up longingly for the comfort my mattress could offer me.

Me? My name is Sam and I'm 17, as of today.yeah yeah I'm young whatever, everyone's always bringing up my stupid age. I may be 17 but mental I feel 35.
When you have a childhood like mine, we'll. You grow up fast.
There's nothing much to my life story really I've been a orphan since I was around 2, not really sure what happened to my parents, I think they're both dead. I was in and out of foster homes again and again. I wasn't a bad kid or anything I was just moved around a lot. Seemed like every family I went to ended up adopting other kids or moving out of state. I never truly understood that.

Merle and I met each other about a year ago, he saved me back when all this started, everything was so frantic back then, no one understood anything that was happening, it all happened so fast too, Atlanta was gone in a blink of an eye. The living dead, feasting on anything with flesh and blood. It was horrific- the screams that filled the air seemed endless. I still can't get that image out of my head.

I was held up in an apartment complex when he burst through the door, missing a hand and nearly bled out. It was my quick thinking to cauterize the stump. I remember how scared I was. This grown man blabbering endlessly about cutting his hand off and stupid officer friendly, Of course none of this made any since to me at the time, some part of me just took over and was determined to save him.

He was passed out on the couch for days, and me, I just stood over him with a knife hoping he wasn't going to die and turn into one of those bitters.  And then one day he woke up, he was such a mess back then. I mean he still is but.. you get the point.
He was so grateful to me that day he woke up his wound newly dressed and me making a meal with the scraps I had foraged over the last couple days.

"You" he said "how.. wait where, I don't-no,Wait" he stammered
I walked over with a glass of water
" calm down" I said kindly handing him the glass.
" I didn't think you'd wake up" I said watching him chug the water down. He looked up at me wiping the water off his chin, he looked down at his hand wincing " fuck..." he muttered. He looked back up at me
" What's yer name girl" he asked

" Samantha, call me Sam." I said " and you? Who are you, how did this happen?"

" names Merle. How long have I been out" he said avoid my questions

only us(Merle Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now