Epilogue . . . My Life with Secrets (The End)

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Epilogue . . .  My Life with Secrets (The End)

Kristine's POV

Two years later . . .

"Austen Thomas you leave your sister alone. She's trying to nap." I said as I stirred the pot containing noodles for our dinner.

"Mommy I want to play! Where's Sierra?" I rolled my eyes. I've never seen a child . . . let alone a boy love to play with his sisters so much.

"She will be home as her and daddy are done with school." He pouted a little at that before looking up at me and putting his little arms behind is back.

"Mommy, will you hold me?" I kneeled down and despite my huge pregnant stomach I picked up my three year old son.  "Does it hurt the baby when you hold me?" He asked and I shook my head as my baby began to kick.

Yes I was pregnant again. I wasn't planning on getting pregnant with Faith only being two-years old, and Austen being three, but that man couldn't keep his hands off of me. And now with me being five months pregnant I had some big news to tell him.

I heard the car pull in and I looked out the window to see Sierra holding her backpack smiling largely while Tyler walked behind her.

"You want to go get sissy?" I asked and Austen nodded. I set him down and he ran to the door as Sierra came in.

Austen hugged her tight while yelling "SISSY!" I laughed and shook my head but was surprised when Sierra hugged him back. That was odd, I've never seen her so happy after school.

Tyler picked up Austen and they came into the kitchen. "Hi mommy!" Sierra said and set her backpack down. "Mmmm that smells good. I'm going to go get changed and washed up before I eat." She said and left the kitchen running to her room.

Tyler came up next to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Hello mommy." He said and went down to my stomach. "And hello in there my baby!" I shook my head and smiled as he stood back up with Austen looking funny at him.

"What is it honey?" I asked and touched his blonde hair.

"Mommy, where do baby's come from?" I looked at Tyler and he paled knowing that he was going to have to explain.

"Ask daddy?" I said with a smile and Tyler gave me the 'you are so getting it look' before looking down at Austen.

"How about you go get your cars and we'll play after dinner?" Austen face lit up like it was Christmas day and struggled to get out of Tyler's arms. Tyler put him down and I've never seen a three year-old run so fast.

I watched as Tyler ran a hand through his hair. "Where does a three year-old get questions like that?" I shook my head at him.

"I have no clue, and what about Sierra I have never seen her so happy after school." Tyler shrugged.

"She kept talking about this new art teacher. I guess she must really like her." I rubbed my head.

"I guess so." I said and turned back to the pot. Suddenly I felt his hands on mine.

"Let me take care of it. You sit down, you look exhausted." I did as he said and sat down, but not before grabbing Sierra's backpack.

"How was the doctor's appointment?" He asked and I smiled.

"Tyler, I found out we had a problem at the doctors office today." He dropped the spoon on the counter and looked at me with concern.

"Are you and the baby okay?" He asked quickly coming to my side and touching my stomach.

"Tyler, I am fine and so are the babies."

"Then what's wrong with . . . " He stopped then looked up at me like a bomb went off. "Did you just say babies?" I nodded and he looked at my stomach. "As in more than one?" I rolled my eyes.

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