Chapter Nineteen . . . Far behind Us

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Chapter Nineteen . . . Far Behind Us

Kristine's POV

"Kristine, come out, come out where ever you are!" Josh yelled as I cowered away and hid in what I believed was a closet. I looked down at my stomach and noticed now how large it was. I looked fully pregnant.
I felt cool liquid poor down my legs and when I looked down I saw that my pants were soaked, almost like I peed my pants. "Oh crap!" I whispered realizing now that my water broke, this wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.
I let out a shriek as I was suddenly being dragged from my hiding place. I closed my eyes tight and when I opened them I was chained to an operating table with Josh smirking at me. He was holding a knife and it was literally screaming my name
"Kristine, Kristine, if you would of just been mine it wouldn't have to be this way." He laughed.
"No, wait, please."
"If you would of been good then this wouldn't be happening, but you messed up, and now you both have to pay." He dug the blade into my stomach and I screamed my head off.
"I'll be good I promise! I promise! Just please stop!" He dug in deeper and I felt my world crumble as I heard the sound of a baby crying I opened my eyes and saw blood.
"STOP!" I yelled and closed my eyes and when I opened them Tyler was on top of me shaking me awake

"Kristine! Kristine! It's me! It's me." I looked around and saw that I was in my room.

"Tyler!" I cried and threw myself into his arms. "He had me and the baby. I-I couldn't stop him." I sobbed and he rubbed my back.

"Baby, you aren't there any more. You are with me." I pulled away and looked at my stomach. It was fine. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Why me, Tyler? What the hell did I do?" He shook his head and grabbed my hand squeezing it tight.

"Nothing, you did nothing wrong." I layed against my pillows.

"It doesn't seem that way. I had to piss someone off somehow." He laughed and layed next to me.

"I love you, and I know life is rough right now, but we'll pull through it. It's just a memory." He said and rubbed my stomach comfortingly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door which made me jump but Tyler smile. "Who's there?" I asked him thinking that he already knew.

"It's a surprise." He said and walkedto the door. I rolled my eyes and relaxed against my pillows.

"Oh Mommy!" Sierra said in a sing song voice making me laugh.

"Oh Sierra!" I said back as she jumped into bed with me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and I kissed her cheek.

"Fantastic! What about you are you hungry?" She shook her head.

"Nope, are you?" At that moment my stomach growled we both laughed.

"Yeah, I am actually."

"Good." She said with a smile. "DADDY!" She yelled in my ear making me jump.

"Sierra." Tyler said coming in with a tray of food and Austen following behind him. "I told you not to yell, didn't I?" she looked at me and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry." I ruffed up her beautiful blond hair.

"It's okay, now what's this?" I pointed to the tray in Tyler's hands. He only smiled and set it down infront of me.

"We got pancakes, bacon, and sausage. Oh and a beautiful rose for a beautiful lady." I looked at all the food and the rose.

"Did you guys do this all for me?' Sierra nodded.

"Well daddy cooked and I found the flower."Sierra said while Tyler picked up Austen and both sat on the bed next to me.

"Yes and she did a very good job didn't she?" Tyler asked with a wink.

"Oh yes, this is my favorite. Very good job Sierra." I watched as she smiled. "Do you guys want some? I mean did you even eat yet." Tyler laughed at me being concerned.

"Yes, Kristine, we all ate. We made this breakfast for you, we want you to rest today."

"Yeah mommy, you need to stay in this bed. Daddy's orders."

"Oh, daddy's orders huh?" I said looking at Tyler with a raised eyebrow. He held Austen infront of me.

"Look how cute our son is, Kristine, isn't he cute, huh?" He asked nervously.

"Tyler, are using our son against me?" He set Austen back on his lap.

"I guess not."


"Kristine, you need rest. You had a long day today and I want you to stay in bed." He said sternly. I took a minute to think about and nodded.

"Sure." I said and Tyler looked at me like I told him I was pregnant with eight kids.

"What did you say?"

"I said sure, I could use a day off." I wasn't saying that to make Tyler happy, or even my kids (Even though I like seeing them happy) I was doing it for me, and the baby that was inside me. We were tired, we hurt, and we just wanted to lay in bed and eat salt and vinegar chips.

I heard Tyler sigh in relief. "But I have one condition."


"You all lay with me and watch a movie." Tyler only smiled, Austen was giggling, and Sierra looked like she was about to explode with excitement.

"Cinderella!" She cheered.

"Sure, go get it, honey." She left the room and ten minutes later me Tyler and each of the kids were snuggled under the blanket on one bed watching Cinderella.

I looke at each person laying on the bed and finally at my stomach. We were going to be okay. The past was behind us and Josh nor anybody else was ever going to hurt us again.

A/N Not the end!

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