Chapter One . . . The Start

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Chapter One . .  The Start

Kristine's P.O.V

"Run Kristine and don't stop!" Tyler was laying on the ground covered in blood, he had been shot by an unknown man.

"But Ty, I need you." He smiled.

"I know baby but you'll do fine without me. Run." He said before his body became lifeless in my arm.

"No, please." I cried but then quickly stopped when I heard the sound of a sick laughter coming behind us. I gave Tyler a peck on the head before running off. We were in the middle of the woods, but I didn't know where. Couldn't anybody hear my cries?

"Oh Kristine! Come out where ever you are." I pushed my legs harder as I heard the sound of the familiar voice, the one who I thought was in jail, my father. How did he get out you ask? I have no clue. The point was that he was out and had killed Tyler and now was after me.

As I was running through the woods I kept my mind on Tyler's dead body, it was a stupid mistake I know but it was just something in which I just couldn't shake the thought, it didn't seem real. Suddenly I bumped in to something hard and fell on the ground. I looked up and saw Darren Winchester, my father.

"You can't escape from me Kristine, I'll always get you." A knife shined in his hands and I did the only logical thing I could possibly think of and that was to scream.

I brought as much air into much lungs as possible and screamed as loud as I could. I caught the sight of my father lifting his knife high in the air. I closed my eyes and screamed louder.

"Kristine! Kristine wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw Tyler on top of me shirtless, shaking me awake as I heard the echoes of my screams around me.

"Tyler!" I gasped as I through my arms around him and cried. "You're alive, you're alive." I kept repeating over and over again.

"Of course I am, I-" He didn't get to finish because I ran from his arms and in to the bathroom where I began throwing up in the toilet.

A pair of hands pulled my hair back and rubbed my back. "It's okay, baby." He soothed me like my mother.

After I was finished I sat up on the floor and threw my head into my hands.

"Bad dream?" He asked and I only nodded. "When are you going to realize that I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you. Kristine, I'm not going anywhere." I ignored him and stood up and went to the sink and brushed my teeth. "Are you excited for your first day as a senior?" He asked and groaned around my toothbrush. Today was the first day back to school and I was scared. I didn't want to be looked at weird because of what happened in my past, but I knew it was going to happen. "I'm sure you will be fine." I spit in to the sink and looked at Tyler with disbelief.

"Ty, did you not hear what they said about me on the news. Half of the student body thinks I'm a liar, and even if it did happen I got what I deserved." He pulled me into his arms again.

"It doesn't matter what they think, we know the truth. They won't hurt you."

"But, they will threaten me and bully me."

"Not while I'm around." I pulled away from him.

"You can't be around me every second of the day." I pointed out.

"No, but I can sure as hell try. Anybody gives you trouble you come to me. Okay?" I nodded and kissed his lips.

"Let's go to bed." He said and raised his eyebrows in a perverted way." I playfully smacked his chest.

"We have school tomorrow Mr. Brolin." I teased and he rolled his eyes and kissed me on the lips.

"I love you Miss Winchester." He then touched my necklace which held my engagement ring. I smiled and touched his hand too.

We both pulled away from each other after a minute, but Tyler grabbed my hand again as we walked back into the bedroom and into our bed. As we finally got comfortable we heard a little cry from the crib in the room next to us. I sighed.


I pulled out of Tyler grip as I found that he fell asleep, but that was probably because of his tiredness from getting up with Austen every other night. He was teething so he was up every night crying. I felt bad for Tina, Tyler's mother, and Sierra, my sister/daughter.

I quickly made it to his room and picked him up. "Hey handsome." I whispered and gently rocked him. I touched his head and he was running a fever which was common with teething. I took him into the kitchen and grabbed his teething ring out of the freezer and stuck it in his mouth. He instantly became quiet.

I sat on the kitchen chair with Austen in my arms and sighed. School was going to be hell, but Tyler insists that he'll be able to protect me and that I'll have a good time. He was a liar. A good liar, but still a liar, and I loved him with all my heart. I would probably be dead without him, and my kids too. That thought made me unbelievable sick to my stomach.

I looked down at the now sleeping Austen in my hands and smiled. He was my life and joy, Sierra too. They made my life whole. I was so happy that I had a nice relaxing summer with them, but now it was over, and I was on my way back to hell.

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