Game On, Bieber

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Gracie McDonald was just an average high schooler - average grades, average looks, average life. But when fate decides it's time to be extremely harsh and try to ruin her life, how will Gracie try to overcome it? Will she succeed in resisting the charm and good looks of bad boy, virginity stealing Justin Bieber? Or will a number of things change in the whirlwind world of Justin Bieber's Virginity Game? 




Sighing irritably, I slammed my locker closed after I had retrieved my books that would help me with my homework for the night. I had 5 entries due in for tomorrow and the worst part is, my time in which to do those would now be even more limited.

Let’s just say it was a COMPLETE accident that I’d ended up giving Jessica Saint a bloody, broken nose when my calculus book just happened to slip out of my hand straight towards her face at quite a violent force. Like I said, complete accident.

This little mishap however had landed me in a 1 hour detention after school the next day and so at 3:10 PM, when all my friends had gained their freedom for the Tuesday night, I was trudging along the corridor towards the detention hall.

Before I handed myself over to the mercy of the evil witch Mrs Krane, I made a quick stop at the bathroom.

As I washed my hands, I scrutinized my reflection in the mirror. Same long, slightly curly blonde hair; same almond shaped blue eyes; same  pale skin tone. My hair was the only thing I liked about myself, but other than that, I was plain, boring Gracie McDonald.

I really hadn’t been bothered with my outfit this morning, so I’d just threw together this: (PICTURE AT SIDE) and shoved my hair in a messy bun. I mean, really, who was I trying to impress at this hell hole anyway?

Eventually, I arrived at the hall and gave my detention pass to Mrs Krane, who glared at me with venom filled eyes as she snatched the little pink slip from my hand.

Then, I turned around, looking for a good seat. Not too near the front, so I would be able doze off or check my phone if I wanted to without being under the watchful stare of the witch, but not too near the back so as not to raise suspicion from said witch.

There were only a few kids in there with me and I grinned as I spotted one of my best guy friends, Theo Jenkins. He gave me a small wave and a smirk as he lounged against his chair, staring at the clock.

Then there was Lola Kidd, a nice girl in my AP English who was annoyingly stunning.

And then there were 5 more people who I didn’t recognize.

Suddenly I spotted the perfect seat and quickly walked over, willing this hour to be over quickly.

5 minutes in, my head shot off my arms as I sat up, startled at the huge bang of the door. I looked over to see a boy I knew, carelessly flicking his pink slip onto the desk.

Everyone knew him.

He was Justin Bieber. He was Lake View High’s notorious bad boy. He was drop dead gorgeous.

However, he was also a pain in the ass and I loathed him, so yeah.

I gave him a quick once over before settling my head back onto my arms. Today he was wearing a black/blue t-shirt, baggy blue jeans and Adidas trainers, his hair looking stylishly messy and his arm tattoos on full show. He looked so good.

I heard slow, deliberate footsteps coming in my general direction and I held my breath until thankfully, they carried on past me.

However, I nearly choked when I realized he’d chosen the seat next to me.

Well, wasn’t this going to be an uncomfortable hour!

A few minutes later, I felt a finger poking my arm rather forcefully.

“Do you mind?” I sighed, raising my head to be met by the hazel eyes of Justin.

“It’s Gracie, right?” He asked, ignoring my question.

I paused, taken aback. How did he even know my name? We only had one class together, in which we sat at opposite ends of the room and we’d never spoken, ever.

“Err, yeah, it is.” I chanced a small smile and he smirked back.

He then proceeded not to say anything.

“Why?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

“No reason.” He replied, shaking his head slightly. “Just wondering.”

“Okaaaay?” I dragged it out, confused and he chuckled slightly.

I lay my head back on my arms again after glancing at the clock. 45 minutes left.

Now, you may be wondering why I hate Justin if we’ve never really had any contact, but trust me, if you knew about the kind of guy he was, you’d hate him too.

So, allow me to explain.

Justin believes himself to be some kind of god. He roams the halls with the rest of his popular friends, acting like he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

And if that’s not annoying enough, he has this… reputation.

Mr Justin Bieber has taken the virginity of, oh I’d say, at least 97% of the population of girls he has labelled as “hot”, or at least good enough to fall into bed with, in this school, simply because he thought it would be fun to do so. Gross, right?

And no, he didn’t take mine, if that’s what you’re thinking. That’s not the reason I hate him, though I’d probably hate him 10x more if he had. But no, I am obviously not what Justin thinks as hot and to be honest, I really don’t care.

So, even though I am a virgin, I’m not too worried that he will target me.

Oh, and if Justin targets you, he will do everything in his power to make sure you don’t get away from him as… well, still a virgin.

Oh, god, I’m not saying he rapes girls! Jesus, no. But, girls just can’t help but fall for him. He turns on the charm, sprays on the aftershave and you find yourself in his bed before you can even fathom what’s going on. Poor girls, they’re pretty much screwed as soon as they find out they’re on his hit list. No pun intended.


Hope you enjoyed! This might seem like a cliche, already been done type story, but please stick with it because there are gonna be loads of surprises along the way!


:D Leah xxx 

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