This is not happening!

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It's been a week since I beat up that jock. No one has said anything to me since. I am currently getting ready for a gang meeting. Uncle and Elaine left a while ago and I finally have my baby. Well one of them.

Me and my gang were skipping school today we were meeting with another gang that wanted to become allies. I wore a dark blue flannel with my black jeans and leather jacket. I put on my blow cut boots and a gray beanie over my hair. I put my pocket knife in my boot and my gun in my waist band.

I went down stairs to get sonething to eat and just settled on a bag of Takis and or a general juice.

I could hear all the guys running down the hallway and yelling.

I got a chorus of 'hey's' from all the guys but Donovan sat down next to me and gave me a kiss.

"Hey babe" he said after pulling away.

"Supe dude" I teased him.

"Well then" he faked looking hurt.

"Oh jeez I'm kidding. But what time is the meeting.?" I had forgot.

"'s at......9:30 so we have half an hour." We all nodded and I went up stairs to get Eli and take my mom.

She loved taking him. I got him dressed and grabbed his diaper bag. I walked to my mom's house and dropped him off.

I went back to the house to.see the guys standing in the driveway waiting for me. I got in we drove to a old warehouse that we were gonna meet the other gang in. It was only about 5 minutes away so we got there quick.

There were about 20 cars out side not including the other 12 cars we had. I loaded my gun then put it back in my waist band and got out of the car.

"Ready" Donovan asked kissing me.

"Yup" I smiled and we walked through the door. It was huge. There was trash scattered everywhere bout it looked like it.had.been cleaned up a little.

There was a large table.right a staircase and there where guys there. They.saw us and got up to greet us.

" your the King Kobras?" One buff guy asked. He was about 6'3 and.looked like he.was in his late 20's. I was a.little cautious. He had a little trace of a Russian accent.

"Ya that's us. Where's.the leader?" I said. He looked a little.surprised.for.some.reason but shook it off.

"Ya he's upstairs he'll be.down in a bit. Who's your leader?" He asked me.

"Im the leader." I said in a bored tone.

He.raised his eyebrow.

"You guys do a lot of damage. Is this all of you guys.?" He.asked looking curious.

Ok something is wrong. many questions?

Suddenly we heard.footsteps and we all turned towards the stairs.

I was shocked. In front a tall black man with piercing green eyes.

It couldn't be. It was my Father.

"Ekaterina Ekaterina ! Мой дорогой как ты?" I just stood their shocked he.said 'Ekaterina how at you dear?'

"You know her boss?" The tall buff.dude said.

"Well I think I would know my.own daughter. So tell me how is your son and Alexei? I kidding I know. But have a surprise for you!" He.said.happily.

He.clapped.his hand and I.could hear.more.foot steps coming.down the.stairs.

Tristan came down stairs. He.was holding girl in his arms.

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