High School

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(Picture of Ezra)

"Ezzy, GET UP"

WHO the HELL is up this early!!?? I swear to God I will kill who ever invented mornings.

"Ughh, FIVE MORE MINUTES" I need to sleep!!

I finally find the courage and strength to do something I never wanted to do..............I got out of bed, well more like dragged myself but who cares.

I hate school. I'm sure we all do but here's my reason. I get bullied. Everyone calls me ugly and fat. I have a lot of curves since I'm on the bigger side and lets just say they ain't in all the right places. I've been beat, pushed, punched, kicked, called names. You name it if it's cruel and mean it probably happens to me.

I walked to my closet and got out a pair of black skinny jeans, a white v-neck t, my red and white flannel, with my white high top converse. My mom is rich so to make me feel better she showers me in clothes. My mom is white and hispanic and my dad is black and Russian (a weird mix right).

I walked to the bathroom to do my hair. Today I left it curly and let it hang down(A/N like in the picture). I grabbed my Maroon JANSPORT backpack and went down stairs. I wasn't hungry so I just grabbed an Apple, kissed my mom bye, and got in my car. Its a black 2015 Jeep Wrangler. I know what your thinking how the hell is she driving and she's 14, well since my Mom is rich she paid for me to get my permit.

It took me good 15 minutes to get there. I got out of my car and I could all ready hear people whispering things like' eww it the fat pig' ' she is so ugly'..ect.

I tune them out and went to meet my two best friends Alyssa and Destiny.

Just as I'm about to say hi to them I feel a sharp pain on my cheek and i looked up to realize i got punched in the face by non other than Mr. Jackass himself. Emmett

Also known as my other half............

MY twin brother!

This is gonna be a long day......


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