Chapter Eight

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-- KIRK'S POV (five minutes before)--

Black Widow walks us back to our cell. We pass Enterprise crew members along the way. They all nod respectively as I pass but I can tell they're scared. I am too. It's been a rough past few days.

"We'll get you out soon." Black Widow says. I nod. We continue walking.

"No!" I hear in the distance.

"Spock, Bones, did you hear that?"

"Yes." Spock answers. We all stop walking and listen.

"Stay here." Black Widow says. "I'm going to investigate." She starts down the hallway. Then a gun is fired. Black Widow stops short. She looks back at us. Spock and McCoy turn to me. One nod from me says it all. We all run past Black Widow.

"Where do you think you're going?" She yells. We ignore her. More shots are fired. It sounds like a machine gun. We turn to run down another hallway. "Stop you idgits! You don't have any weapons!" She raised a good point. I had had extra training at Starfleet when it came to hand combat, and Spock, being a Vulcan, was three times stronger than I will ever be. I highly doubt we'd be able to take a machine gun though. "Stay here." Her voice was low, threatening, and calm. I ignore her and continue on. We turn down another hallway. I could hear Black Widow directly behind us. "If you all die, it's not blood on my hands." She says. We are getting close to where we hear the gun shots.

"Captain, it is not logical to run into open fire without weapons." Spock says.

"Too late now Spock." I say.

Black Widow runs in front of us and let's out three shots. We turn the corner with her. There is a man with a gun pointed at Wanda. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. He didn't look much older than me. Wanda it appears is unconscious on the floor. The man turns to us.

"Ward," Black Widow says, "surrender now." She points the gun toward him. Ward however already has his gun aimed for Black Widow.

"Ah, the infamous Black Widow. Hate to break it to you... Surrendering isn't my thing. I'll make a deal with you though..." He points the gun at Wanda. "Give those three, or... Well... You know. She dies." He loads the gun. Black Widow is appears, is frozen.

"Now Ward..."

"Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt."

"Security will find us, they probably already know you're in the building."

"I took care of that along time ago." Ward says. He smiles. "Now are you in?" He puts his finger on the trigger. "Or is she out?" I know we have to act, and fast. We couldn't just go and grab the gun from him, we'd all be dead. Plus, if we make one move... He shoots Wanda. I could turn the three of us in. I wasn't ready to do that just yet. It appeared it was humanly impossible for me to be able to do anything. But was it Vulcanianly impossible? Perhaps not. I look at Spock, who it appears, has already read my mind. He reaches out his hands toward Ward. A moment passes, Ward violently jerks his head to the side. He shakes his head violently as if he were being possessed, which was in a way, true. Spock was taking over his mind, and there was nothing he could do about it. Ward stumbles backward and groans in pain. He lowers his gun to his side. Spock couldn't keep the mind meld going much longer. I had to do something. I sprinted toward Ward and shoved him to the ground, and bent over to pick up the machine gun. I point the gun at Ward, who lay confused on the ground. Spock, McCoy, and Black Widow stand beside me.

"Surrender now!" I say angry.

"No. That's not happening." A voice says. Four more men appear, all with machine guns.

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