Chapter Two

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I feel as though someone has pulled my heart out of my chest slowly and ripped it apart piece by piece and then crushed the pieces with their foot. And I could feel every tear. I fall to my knees and scream a bloodcurdling scream. The scream of a banshee. 'Pietro's gone.' Is the only thought in my head. My magic shoots out from my body and hits every single one of the robots and the church turns into rubble. I collapse completely into the stone and sob. I then stand up with hellfire in my eyes. This was Ultron's fault. He killed my brother. He is the reason I'm dead. I begin to stalk towards where I felt Ultron would be. When I see him basically turned to scrap, I can't help but feel a little upset I couldn't rip him to pieces. I walk towards him, my magic playing on my hand and fingers. I stop a few feet away from him.

"W-Wanda? Why are you here? If you stay you'll die." Ultron asks seeming to be powering down.

"I already did." I say sitting on my legs. "And do you know how it felt?" I ask leaning towards him. My hand shoots out over his metal chest and begins to swirl with more magic. His chest loobegins to tent and I feel his heart shoot up towards my hand, a blue goo arching across a seat. I lean closer to his dead body. "It felt like that." I whisper. I stay there until I feel the train and city begin to crumble. But I don't care. What does it matter if I die? What do I have to live for? I fall slightly and then feel arms hold me bridal style, like Pietro used to do when he ran and carried me. My arm, on autopilot, goes around the person's neck. I look up to see Vision, and he looks at me to and flies off. And we land in a ship. I see Pietro. I stumble towards him and put his head in my lap, I take his hand. If I squeezed it hard enough I could still feel the fleeing warmth. I crunch over and cry an ugly cry, repeating his name and the word 'no.' When they try to take me away I hold on to him and then Vision is forced to guide me away. I'm told they are doing an autopsy and he will be in a temporary morgue at the new Avengers base in the countryside area of New York.

"And then what?" I ask Steve. He shrugs.

"We'll play it by year. Did he have any requests about if he died?" I shake my head no.

"Any certain place you want him buried?" I look at him.

"I... Sokovia is most likely where I want to bury him. But I want to be close to the grave... and I am planning on staying in America. But our parents are in Sokovia... I don't know yet." Steve nods.

"Take your time Wanda. This can't be easy." I nod and stumble out of the room and go to my bedroom.

I shower and get changed then fall onto the bed to sob another round of tears.


Blackness. That's all he sees. Pure darkness. Where is he? Wait! The ship! The crew! The portal! The screaming! It all comes back. Kirk opens his eyes to see the roof of the bridge, cracked and misshapen. Then comes the pain. Not as bad as before, but still. Like a thousand needles. Where are they anyway?! It's a miracle he's alive. He sits up and looks around. Then he notices, he can't move his arm and it hurts like hell. Well better to have a broken arm than be dead. The bridge is unrecognizable. The control panels are black. No power. The turbolift door is lodged inside the turbo lift. The floor and ceiling alike are cracked. Holy crap! Admiral Cartwright is going to kill him. The view screen is also out. The room is dark. The lights still let off a faint red glow. Movement from across the room catches his attention.

"Spock! Are you okay?!" Kirk asks worried.

"I... I believe so. Wait... Captain the lightning!" Spock looks at him in shock and confusion. Kirk shouldn't be alive... He was struck by lightning. The lightning however didn't seem like the type to electrocute people. This was somehow different... Kirk felt pain, but he'd been shocked before... This was defiantly different...

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