Chapter One

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"Beautiful stars," Kirk says. "Shame we can't stay in this quadrant for much longer."

The USS Enterprise was on the outskirts of the Vera Neblia. It's mission, to observe the planet Tursus 6 break up and report any observations to Starfleet. On the view screen currently, there was a brilliant display of white and blue stars taking up almost the whole space on the screen. It was fascinating to know that each of those blue and white dots was a planet that could maybe, possibly be capable of sustaining life. That's why they were there. That was the purpose of Starfleet. To explore new worlds and to go where no one has gone before. The USS Enterprise, a Starfleet ship, was on a five year mission, to do this. And all four hundred crew members of the USS Enterprise believed that space and new worlds were worth exploring. After all that's why they were their.

"Yes indeed," McCoy, the ship's doctor says. "Very neat. Where's Tursus 6?" As usual he wanted to get straight to the point.

"If my calculations are correct, it should be directly in front of us," Spock, the chief science officer and first officer states. "We have about thirteen hours until the planet breaks up, destroying most of these stars."

"Very nice." McCoy mutters sarcastically.

"In that case, we better get started," Kirk says, ignoring McCoy's comment. "Mr. Sulu, set a course for Tursus 6, warp factor four."

Mr. Sulu the pilot responds with a, "Yes sir," presses a few buttons and slightly pushes the silver handle forward.

The ship's engines start up again and they start moving forward, faster every second, until they reach warp factor four. The Enterprise flies past the stars surrounding them, making them appear on the view screen as blue and white streaks.

"We should arrive, at this present speed, in three hours." Spock says in his usual no emotion tone.

"Ok then, guess we'll have to wait." Kirk says. A few minuets pass.

An unexpected loud bang sounds from below and the ship lurches forward. The force of it sends mostly everyone out of their chairs, and McCoy falling to the floor. The ship was literally tilting. It took a few seconds, but the ship's gravity systems started working again and the ship evened out. The ship had stopped moving and was dead in space. Kirk was the first to stand. He rushed over to Uhura's station, helped her up, and immediately called to engineering.

"Scotty! What happened?!"

"I don't know sir," Scotty, the chief engineer, replied in his Scottish accent. "I'm already on it! Seems to be some form of radiation or...." his voice trailed off.

"What?!" Kirk demanded.

"Some sort of portal..."

"What?!" He says clearly confused.

"To a different dimension it appears..."


"Computers don't lie! I'm telling ya what I'm seeing!"

"That is a good point." Spock said from the science station.

"Zip it!" McCoy told him, struggling to stand up.

"So... A portal?" Kirk said talking to no one in particular. "We've dealt with portals before, never like this. Spock, what do you think?" Kirk turned to his Vulcan first officer and best friend. There was no one on the Enterprise that Kirk trusted more when it came to these types of situations.

"The portal could be exposing some sort of energy or radiation to our ship. A strong energy for that matter." He responds.

"You think?" McCoy moaned. He was leaning on the control panel and holding his head.

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