Chapter Four

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Four people hovered right in front of us. A red, gold, and green android of some sort, a silver robot that flew using rockets, and a dark skinned man with two silver wings protruding from his back and a pair of silver goggles with red lenses, and Scotty! Kirk was relieved, Scotty was alive! With the giant hole burned into engineering, Kirk was getting worried. Scotty was dropped right in front of them by the andriod.

"Glad to see you're okay Captain." he said smiling.

"Glad to see you to, I was getting worried there." Kirk said, he smiled back. "How about you introduce us to your friends." Scotty's smile faded and turned into a concerned expression. He gestured to the red, gold, and green android.

"This is the Vision." He said.

"A pleasure to meet you." The Vision says. Kirk and crew were taken aback. This was some polite android. One thing was for certain, androids weren't exactly polite where they came from. There were some androids on the Enterprise, but all they did was work and only talked if what they had to say was relevant, sort of like Spock, even though he wasn't an android, at least they thought he wasn't an android... The way he acted you could never know. Then Scotty introduced the other two robots, who it turns out were actually people. Roedy and Sam. Then they took the crew members off the top of the ship one by one, until they were all facing a women in a black dress, with a red jacket and boots. She told them her name was Wanda and that they'd have to be taken to her base for questioning. Kirk didn't like it though, he thought in some strange way, she was the cause of this, he didn't know how he just knew...


I met the odd crew and one was staring me down like he knew something I didn't. "I am Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch."

"I am Captain Kirk, this is my crew." I nod and explain to them everything. Kirk was still staring me down when I felt someone approaching me. Judging by the sounds, Sam was trying to sneak up on me. I covered my hand in red mist and shoot a beam at him. "Oof!" I turn around "Sam, I always know when you try to sneak up on me." He glares at me and I turn around to face the odd crew.


He didn't know how, he just knew. She was the cause of all this, and her 'magic' was red! What a coincidence... That red stuff... He just knew it was her fault. "Follow me." She said and walked them all to a black ship. Kirk didn't want to follow. She was dangerous, somehow. She was the one that caused his ship's destruction, she was the one who killed most of his crew, she was the one who gave him those dreams. Those nightmares, his fears on the ship, with the lightning, and the mist. The things that he'd seen... Horrifying... They couldn't trust her. He was worried that she'd somehow hurt his remaining crewmen. Turns out, he wasn't the only one.

"It would be illogical to trust her." Spock said so no one could hear. Spock never trusted anyone under any circumstances but this was different.

"I don't." Kirk responded. "What else is there to do?"

"I do not know." Spock replied. They walked in silence for a little while. Sokovia was a wasteland. Buildings are toppled over, there is glass covering the streets, every once in awhile, you'd see a fire burning off in the distance. No people though. It looked like an apocalypse of some sort happened, but there were no people. Did they evacuate? Did they know what was going to happen? What did happen? Never in any history books did it mention a nuclear apocalypse is Sokovia. Kirk did notice something peculiar, every other building or so you'd see laser markings in the wall, as if someone shot the wall with a faser. He also noticed the streets were misshapen and cracked and in some places there were almost what appeared to be footprints, as if some sort of giant creature went on a rampage. They passed a church, or it once was a church, you could only tell because of the dirty golden cross on the ground. The building it was next to was in ruins. That wasn't even the strangest thing. Robots similar to the robotic design that was Rhodey's suit, but they were gray, these were a shinier silver, these scraps were everywhere. They were destroyed and clearly not functional. They lay in twisted positions covering the streets. Some sort of war happened here. Something apocalyptic. "What happened?" Somebody asked Wanda. She sneered.

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