Chapter 9: Carla

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I was drinking coffee with Mara that morning in a cafe not that far awat from the house. It was the morning after my talk with Trixie. I still haven't gone through Keith's things--I still didn't have the strength but I will. I definitely will.

"That's quite a surprise," Mara said after I told her about the Trixie talk. She drank some of her latte, "So, you're okay now?"

"I don't know," I said, "but I guess we're getting there,"

"Fair enough," she said.

"You know, I've just got to thinking," I said, "Lately, it's been are you doing, Mara?"

"Well, you know me...I'm alright," she said.

"No, really, how are you? You haven't told me stuff, who are you seeing and--"

"Ahh," she said, and paused as if in deep thought," Carla it's...well..."


I can sense that it was as if she wanted to tell me something but didn't know how to.


But just then her phone rang and she looked at it. She hesitated for a second and then, "Just give me a sec--" she said and then answered the call.

"No, no," I heard her say to whoever was on the other line, "I said no, okay? It's over. It  wasn't even anything to begin with--Oh, shut up. If you really cared about her

I can sense that it was as if she wanted to tell me something but didn't know how to.


but just then, her phone rang and she looked at it, hesitated for a second and then, "Just give me a sec--" she said, and then answered the call.

"No, no," I heard her say to whoever was on the other line, "I said no, okay? It's over. It wasn't even anything to begin with. Oh, shut up. If you really cared about her, you would've called. No, okay? Goodbye." She hung up and shoved her phone into her bag. She sighed and drank some coffee.

"What was that?" I asked

"Never you mind," she said, "It's nothing,"

"Mara, you know you can tell me anything,"

She smiled lightly, "I know," she said and reached for my hand, "but not this one yet, Carly."

"Alright," I said, "In time?"

She nodded her head and startedtalking about trivial things again. Her walls were back up and there was nothing I could do.

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