Surviving Keith

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Today is just another day. At least, that's what I thought when I came to my art class this morning. Everything seemed normal. That Leafless tree is still outside my apartment, my neighbor's cat still purred as I walked past it, I'm still the same person. But I guess that's the thing with life, you just never know what's going to happen. Things come unexpectedly. You think you know what's going to happen then all of a sudden, life happens to you.

Anyway, it's already 10 am and my students are busy painting stuff that has something to do with weddings. It's today's theme, as suggested by Marielle, mybrown-eyed, hair witha  streak of Blue student. Okay, she is more than just a student. 

I still remember the very first time Marielle Wade entered my classroom. She had her hair up ina  bun, with only the Blue strands falling loose. She was wearing a Light Blue Sundress and had a basket of Pink Roses in one hand. She was late to class, but she acted as if it's not a big deal. She sure got everyone's attention. I actually shook my head when I saw her but I wouldn't deny that she really caught my eye. She was beautiful. Beautiful, and damaged, that's what I thought. There was just something about her that makes you feel...sad for her. Or maybe it's just me. Most of the time, Marielle seems to tough for everyone. She has all these walls and it's not so easy to break them down. 

Moving on, I was impressed because after that first class she surely proved something. She was extremely talented as a painter. Her work is just so...abstract, but it had heart. Her soul transcended to her art. I gave her back her canvas and told her that she did a good job, and she told me that I could keep it. It was a surprise, hearing that from her. She also told me that I could keep the flowers because my room needed some sprucing up. And well, I have no idea what I've been thinking but I just leaned in and kissed her. She was just so beautiful, so different, and yeah, I was prepared to be punched or whatever but she did nothing of that sort.. She merely smirked and said "I thought you'd never do that,"

"What?" I shot back.

"Come on.You've been wanting to kiss me ever since I walked in that door."



It was then my turn to laugh, "Well, yeah."

She smiled, "See you tomorrow, professor."

"Wait!" I said, before she got to walk out the door, "Don't you want to go out or something?"

She took a deep breath and tapped me on the shoulder, "Soon," she said, and that was that.

***It's been two months since then. Yes, we;ve gone out, a couple of times, at crazy destinations like hole-in-the wall restaurants, parks, and the like. She loved learning art, and she did not want me to be put out of work since she thought I was really good. To be honest, I don't know much about her yet except for the fact that she's barely at home, she couldn't stand her stepmom, and she sells Flowers. I'm not really sure if she needs the money but she says she enjoys it. She's weird, but great and right now,I am enjoying what we have.

Except for the fact that she's already an hour late to class. Weird, I thought, since she's never been late to class again after that first class. At 10:25, she came inside the classroom, looking lost. She was wearing a long black uffled dress, and some black pumps. 

"Marielle, you're late." I said.

She looked at me as if wanting to say something. She looked harassed, in shock.

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