Chapter 13

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*Liam's P.O.V*

"That should do it!" I told Kayla, strapping the helmet onto her head.

"Thanks." She said sheepishly.

She was about to head into the batting cages, and I was going after her. I was bound to make a fool out of myself. She had told me that she did softball when she was younger, and although she claimed she hadn't played in years and he was a little rusty, I didn't believe her.

She grabbed the bat and headed into the big fenced off area. She hit the little red button on the left side of the small cage she was in to send a signal to the machine that shoots the balls out to hit, what ever they were called.

The first ball went flying out of the small yellow machine, and right into Kayla's bat. It made a loud cracking noise and went soaring over the machine and hit the net behind it.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "I didn't realize you we're that good when you said you used to play!"

"Trust me, that was just a lucky shot!" She told me, her eyes wide open with surprise.

The next 9 balls (you get 10) were exactly the same. Pop! The ball went flying out. Crack! The ball struck the bat and went flying. Whoosh! It heir the net behind the machine and went rolling down in the middle, only for her to hit an identical one.

"Are you sure the first one was a lucky hit?" I asked her sarcastically.

"Maybe I'm not as rusty as I thought..." she trailed off.

"Yeah, maybe!' I told her sarcastically, smirking at her as well.

"You wanna go get ice cream?" she asked me.

"Sure!" I exclaimed. It was really hot, and ice cream sounded like a good idea right now. We brought the bat, and the helmet up to the same counter where we had gotten them some time earlier. We then both wandered over to the ice cream shop. She started to order, and I zoned out a little. Once she finished talking, she looked back towards my direction to signal that it was my turn to order. 

"I'll just have a chocolate soft serve on acone please." i asked thelady behind the counter politely. 

"That'll be $6.95 please." she said. Kayla started to reach into her pocketbook, but i pulled out my wallet quickly and handed her seven dollars.

"Keep the change." I told her with a smile.

"Thanks." Kayla said with a smile.

"No probelem." I told her, returning the smile.

"Hey, you wanna head back to my place? We could watch a movie or something." 

"Sure! I would love to."

"Okay, you can just follow my car, I guess." I told her, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sounds good!" she repiled. I followed her to her car, watched her get in, and waved to her as she pulled out of her parking space. She started to drive away, but then stopped, and looked at me expectantly. I then remebered that she had to follow me to my house. I quickly ran over to my car, and unlocked it. I hopped into the drivers' seat and switched the gear to drive. 

I then pulled my car in front of her, and looked in my mirror. Sure enough, she was trailing behind my car. 


We arrived shortly, and we both pulled up in the driveway of mine and the boys' house. I slowly walked over to her car and opened the door for her. I offered her my hand, and she greatfully accepted it. We started to walk towards the front door, and we were still holding hands. Once we reached the door, i reached for the door knob. I went to turn it, but it was locked.

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