Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

*Narrator's P.O.V.*

Michaela felt something nagging at her foot. She slowly opened her eyes to reveal the small, fluffy shih tzu pulling at her toes

"Alright, alright Cassie, I'll get up. Wait, why am I talking to my dog?" Michaela questioned herself.

She shuffled out of bed, Cassie running around her ankles, and into the Kitchen. She popped two pieces of toast into the toaster, and opened the fridge, revealing two almost empty shelves.

Se stuck her head in. "I thought I went food shopping last weekend..?" she wondered. "Or maybe it was two weekends ago..." She continued, barely whispering.

The toast popped, and she jumped. She rushed over, and pulled the toast out, and spreading jelly on it.


*Michaela's P.O.V*

After getting ready, (and maybe falling back asleep a couple of times) I was finally skipping down the stairs two at a time. I hopped into the car, and turned the key, which turned the radio on.

"Never felt like this before

Are we friends or are we more?

As I'm walking towards the door...

I'm. Not. Sure.

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I'll change my mind

Cuz' I don't wanna know you're walking away

If you'll be mine" I sang along. Why was this song playing? They never play any not-well-known One Direction songs on the radio.

But then I remembered, 'ONE DIRECTION IS IN TOWN!! MY TOWN!!'

When the song ended, I heard "Ad that was One Direction! I know some of our listeners out there will want to win some tickets to their concert tonight. All you have to do is call in right now, and tell us Liam Payne's birthday-" 'Psssccchhh, that's easy' I thought "-and you will be sitting in the front row at their concert!"

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Kiss 108's number. I could hear the ringing, and then "Hello, you have reached Kiss 108, would you like to tell us Liam Payne's birthday?"

"OF COURSE!" I shouted, but I was drawing a blank. "Sept- no! August...20....9th!!! AUGUST 29th!!" I yelled to the man on the other end.

"Yes! Just come by the Kiss 108 station today to pick up your tickets! Just tell us your name."

"Michaela. Michaela Howell" you reply.


How did everyone like the first chapter?! I will try to post regularly, but I can't promise anything. I hope you all like it!

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