Be Who You Are

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Sorry, but this isn't a chapter. My friend @mtmlmz recently posted something similar to this, and I thought I would too.

I will be posting something like this on my other book, but I'm doing it on this one first.

So what if I'm a directioner? So what if so many other people are directioners? We are who we are, and we are who we want to be.

So many people, including me, are bullied or made fun of in some way because we like one direction. I don't really understand why people waste there time on something so pointless.

I don't know about everyone else who reads this, but at my school people are made fun of for listening to specific music and specific artists. Mostly it's one direction, which is why I'm writing this.

Why us? Why do we get picked on? What's wrong with One Direction? Why aren't the people who listen to Macklemore, or the Icona Pop, or any other new bands or artists getting picked on?

It makes us directioners questions ourselves and our personalities. It makes us second guess ourselves. They might not think it hurts us, but it does. Either it slowly chips away at the wall we have built against all the bullies, or it completely know kid it down.

This make me feel like I can't be myself at school. I can't talk about the things I like because of the fear of getting picked I on, while other classmates are allowed to talk freely about their likes.

Is this fair? Of course not! I just wanted to prove my point, that its not fair to pick on people because of the music they listen to. So you listen to different music. People have different tastes, and bullies have no right to pick on us, or anybody for that matter.

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