Charmed Life

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The following day was lovely. 

Darren and I spent the morning and evening together with one another. We didn't do anything special, mostly just staying in his home.  In the morning, after breakfast, we watched a few shows on T.V.  and then went out for a walk along his property. When we came back we were welcomed with hot chocolate and fresh baked cookies and scones. The warmth of the meal drove out the chill and I couldn't help but sigh. This was bliss. We played card and board games until it was time to have dinner with the family.  

When the time came for me to pack up my belongings I found a strange heaviness weighing my heart.  I was going to miss being here. Returning to normalcy was not an easy thing to swallow. I hugged everyone goodbye, getting an especially long hug from Nina, before Darren and  I were off and back to Pennsylvania.

When  I got back to my apartment, I was welcomed by a stack of bills that had piled in the mailbox and a number of things I had to get done for my mother. So, the peacefulness I'd felt began to wear off and was definitely gone by the time  I was heading for work the day after.  But being back home had its benefits. It was nice knowing I was in the same state as my mom. And I also got to be back with Jora.  

Jora and I are at a cafe, along with our mutual friend Helen. Helen worked with us a while before she got transferred to another location. Still, we all get together once in a while when we get the chance. We are sitting now in a cafe, me sipping on a cappuccino, Jora an ice-tea, and Helen is munching on a muffin. Jora is fidgeting in her seat,  trying to become as comfortable as possible. But how comfortable can you be when you look like you have a basketball under your shirt?

We had all pushed our laptops aside, taking a break from business. Jora wanted help with last minute research about delivery - what to expect, pain management options, etc. Jora was just into her ninth and final month of pregnancy. I thought it was exciting. Jora did not agree.  

"I am in over my head." She says, opening one eye. "Don't you think?"

"You are juggling a lot." I reply. 

She was. 

Helen nods her head, agreeing.  Jora had tried to work, prepare for an impromptu baby, and plan a wedding all at the same time. Though she was now off work for maternity leave, things hadn't gotten any easier. For the past few months I'd seen her, Jora seemed tired, stressed, and plump. Howie catered to her every need, trying to be the supportive fiancé  , while also picking up more shifts at his work.  Darren and I tried to help up as much as possible. We helped put together their nursery and I helped Jora with with maternity registry for her baby shower. It helped too that Jora had a large family and they were offering lots of love and support. 

"That is the truth.  I just don't know when we're going to have the wedding.  God knows I won't be a size 6 anymore." She said, leaning over the table, holding her chin up by the palm of her hand.

"Hey." I say, leaning towards her. "You don't have to get everything done now. You're going to get there. Go at your own pace."

"Exactly. The only timeline you have to follow is your own." Helen adds.

She smiled a bit. She leaned back and put her hands on her protruding belly. 

"I just want him to be out now." She said, rubbing her hands on her tummy. "Want to see those ten fingers...ten toes. I'm so nervous. What if something goes wrong?"

"You're going to be at the best hospital for labor and deliveries. Nothing is going to happen but just in case, the doctors and nurses will take care of it. Have you decided on a name yet? I know you last time we chatted." Helen says. 

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