Chapter 4

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Alex led me to one of the 3 doors on the other side of the hall. It was big and made of some sort of metal. Alex pushed it open to reveal a long room. The walls were made of the same metal as the door. At the end of the room were some targets.

" This is the indoor target range, it has reinforced titanium and steel walls and can withstand most blasts I throw at it," Said Alex.

" you know, you never told me what your power is," I said.

" I would show you but my powers aren't indoor friendly," He stated smiling at me.

"please?" I asked, batting my eyelashes. Alex turned around and started walking toward the door.

" Maybe later," he said," but right now we have a tour to get to." he walked out the door and I followed. He took me to another door that lead into a classroom. The last door housed an enormous pool the size of the white house.

"what's on the floors above us?" I asked.

"I don't know I've only been here a week, sorry," replied Alex.

"it's okay Alex," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. I heard a click and a voice came on. * All mutants report to top side* 

" come on we have to get to the professor," Said Alex grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door. the professor was waiting in the hallway. Caleb was running out of the gym. his hair was windblown and it looked like some of his freckles fell off.

" Whats going on," Caleb huffed. Professor X turned his head.

" We have our first mission," said the professor. 

" professor, Cathrin needs a code name," Said Caleb.

" Angel," I said quickly. Alex put his hand on my wing.

"it fits perfectly," he said as I blushed,"mine is Havok."

"Mine is Banshee," yelled Caleb.

"you all know mine," Said Charels. I smiled he just looks too young to be a professor.

 Alex removed his hand and we all followed the professor to the elevator.

" now, we all must work as a team or this is going to be a disaster," said Professor X in his British accent. 

the elevator door slid open and we stepped out into the lobby. There were two agents at the reception desk.

"professor, there is a fire on the outskirts of New York. there are people trapped inside. rescue them. this will be a test to see how well your team works together," Said one of the agents.

" yes sir," said Professor X. "Now team follow the agents." Professor X added. He stared at all three of us. It was Alex that started to walk first I quickly ran to his side, I was a little scared. What if my wings caught on fire? I thought. I couldn't be in the helicopter cause I can fly, I was a little disappointed because I wasn't going to be with Alex. Everyone climbed in and I just stood there waiting.

You're going to be fine, this may be your first flight to somewhere a long way but prove to us you can do it. Professor X's voice rings in my mind. I'm going to prove that I can do it, I thought. I started to run. I jumped up and flapped my wings, I was flying. The helicopter was close by but I was faster, It was a amazing feeling that not many people can experience. I moved my wings up and down, gaining altitude. I flew ahead of the helicopter and soon I heard the sound of police sirens. There was a large column of smoke ahead of me. 

Are there yet Cathrin? the Professors voice reverberated in my head. yes professor, I thought. I started to go down. good, there is a small boy trapped on the second floor. you can just kick in the window. An image of the boy and the window flashed through my mind. okay professor, i'm almost there. I thought.

As I flew down I heard a shout from one of the Police officers. I ignored him and flew to the window. I kicked it in when I heard a cry. The boy was up against the wall there were roaring flames all around him. I rushed over to him and he looked up at me. tears were streaming down his face and there were ashes in his dark brown hair. I took his hand and keeled down.

" it's going to be okay, you just need to come with me," I said pulling him into a hug.

" Are you my angle?" he asked. 

" Maybe," I said as I picked him up. I walked toward the window with the little boy in my arms. I hopped up on the window seal.

"hold on," I said as I jumped. I heard bystanders gasp as I spread out my wings and seemingly float to the ground. A fire man ran up to me.

"I...uh," he stuttered as I handed him the boy.

"will I ever see you again?" asked the boy his voice full of emotion.

"maybe," I whispered. I heard the helicopter fly over the building. We're going to land in the park, we're on our way. I heard The Professor's voice. Alex came running out of the trees and Caleb was gliding down to meet us. The professor calmly walked out of the trees after Alex with two fingers pressed to his temple.

" there are two more children in the building they are both on the first floor," said the Professor.

" excuse me but who are you people?" asked a police officer as he walked up to us. 

" we're here to help," replied Professor X as he waved away the young man. The police officer looked baffled. The Professor turned to Alex, " Havok would you give us a door way." 

" It would be my pleasure," said Alex as he walked toward the building. he stopped a few feet from the the wall. I watched as red energy burst from Alex, it kind of looked like hula hoops only much more lethal. Alex moved his arm into the biggest hoop. He flicked his rist forward and the red energy flew toward the wall. The energy hit the wall and it caved in, Behind me the police officer gasped and took a few steps back.

" wh-wh-what are you," stuttered the young man. The professor ignored him and turned to Caleb.

" Banshee will you clear the path?" asked Professor X. Banshee nodded and breathed in. He let out a sonic wail and the fire parted. I ran past Alex and into the burning building. I took a left into a room and heard a creak. I turned, the fire was burning a support beam above my head. I put my wing up as the beam fell.



Hey guys Animegirl32 here, sorry I didn't update sooner but I had writers block. Please click/tap that vote button and comment if you liked it. Please tell me if you didn't like something XD. I'm going to update every Tuesday sometimes sooner. It depends on wether I write fast or slow.....

And just so u know




Charles Xavier=Professor X


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