Chapter 2:

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As I watched my house disappear around the corner I started to cry. My entire life was about to change, but was it for better or for worse. I could only imagine what experiments they might do to me where ever they were taking me. there was one question I always came back to, were there other mutants like me? I could only guess as sleep overcame me.                                                                                                        ~_~_~_~

I woke up who knows how long later to the bright glare of the morning sun. I stretched my arms up above my head and yawned. I forced open my eyes and the memories of last night came flooding back. I looked up at the M.R.D agents and cleared my throat.

" Your awake," said the hulk from last night. Hehad blond hair and chiseled features. I couldn't see the mans eyes though, they were covered with dark shades. He was in a black tuxedo and I could see his white undershirt. he had black Loafers and a black tie. boy, these people like black, I thought.

I reached out a shaking hand to feel my wing. There was a small bit of blood on the feathers and a hole where the bullet had ripped through.

"I'm sorry about the bullet, I had to look intimidating and mean," said the brunette. I winced as the car hit a bump ans my wing hit the seat. I felt the car slow down and drove into a parking lot.

"where are we?" I asked. The blonde agent looked around.

"we're stopping for lunch," he said in an cheery voice.

"don't I need a jacket to cover my wings?" I asked confused. The guy laughed.

"A jacket won't cover your wings kid," He looked up as the car came to a stop. we got out of the car and I stretched my wings out a small ways. I looked up and saw that we were at Taco Bell. It used to be one of my favorite places to eat. we walked through the door and went over to the counter.

"Wow men in suits, never seen one here before." the girl behind the counter said sarcasticaly.

"No need for sarcasm now, we are just here to order and leave." One of the agents says calmly. They ordered something and we all sat down.

We sat in silence and people staring at me, I was uncomfortable knowing they would think that I'm a freak. I snapped in reality when the girl behind the counter dumped the trey in front of us. She rolled her eyes as she saw my fully white wings. Mutant and proud, Mutant and proud. I kept saying over and over again in a whisper. She took a closer look at my wings and it dawned on her that they were real. Her eyes widened and she hurried away.

"Here you go eat up we have more driving to do." The blond one said eating quietly.

I took my three tacoes and ate them in silence. We left the table spotless and walked out of the place. I sat back in my seat and I was lost in my train of thought. Staring out the window, The pine trees passing by. Its beautiful, I love the smell the smell of pine trees.

When I think of pine trees I remember when I was a little girl, planting the pine trees with my mom in the back yard. That one was my favorite memory with my mom. She acctually loved me back then, to her nowadays, I'm just a freak.

I guess I had lost track of time and was surprised to feel the car stop. I looked out the window and I saw a figure in the woods and it disappeared slowly. could I be hallucinating? It startled me and the car started again, we passed a booth and kept going. After what seemed like an eternity of trees, I saw a building. It had white walls and a flat roof. there was a huge field surrounding the small structure and woods bordering the field. it couldn't possibly be our destination. I stepped out of the car and stretched my wings out. My feathers glinted like opals in the afternoon light. I folded my wings up as one of the men in black, the blond, walked around the car. The agent guided me inside and started talking.

"Were here, this is the place that you'll be staying in for a while. There are people like you in there that are excited to see you. Don't worry, you'll love it here." His straight face makes no sense, people should smile once in a while. Well, he was smiling earlier, again no sense what-so-ever.

"what do you mean like me?" I asked him as I looked around. it was kind of like a hotel lobby. there were potted plants every where and a receptionist desk right in front  of me. there was a small fireplace to me left and an elevator to my right. 

"mutants," he stated simply. All I could think of is Someone like me finally. 

I walked in the elevator with the two agents and the door closed. The brunette agent pushed one of the buttons and the elevator started to move down. The doors opened into a long hall with a few doors to my right and one to my left. there was also a door at the end of the hallway.

We walked down the hallway toward the door. The blond agent in front of me opened it. The room in the other side looked a lot like the lobby. The fire place to the right was surrounded by dark brown couches and chairs. Over in the corner was a chess table with two wooden chairs. There were many potted plants just like in the lobby and a waterfall behind glass to my left. To the right of the waterfall was a pool table and a flat screen TV. On the other side of the waterfall was a small kitchen fully stocked with food and drinks. Right in front of me on the other side of the room was a big oak door. 

I noticed a man sitting on one of the wooden chairs by the chess table. He had dark brown curly hair and a smirk on his face. His blue eyes gleaming with mirth. I walk up to him and I heard the door snap shot I take a quick turn around and the agents were gone. 

I look back at the man and he stares at me. "H-hi I'm-" Then my thoughts interrupts me I know who you are, you're Catherin. I heard a british voice in my head. I looked around, Aam I going crazy. 

"Don't be afraid my name is Charels Xavier, I am a mutant like you. I have telepathy and I can speak to you with my mind." He says standing up showing me his hand. The voice in my head was his. I looked at him again, he must be british.

I shake it "Afraid? I'm not afraid that your telepathy. Its cool!" I exclaimed. He smiles and looks at my wings. He gently glides his hands down my wing and touches my soft feathers. "This indeed is amazing, I have never thought that someone could ever have a more fantastic mutation like this one." I blush literately I start turning red as a tomato. 

"Come on meet the others, they would enjoy meeting you." He guilds me to the couch across the room. there were two boys playing Battleship. My eyes met beautiful brown eyes, and I saw his golden brown hair and his gentle smile. Then I saw curly red hair, cheesy smile, his eyes are green then I noticed his freckles across his face. I glance at the other guy again, until Charels started talking.

"Cathrin, this is Alex and Caleb. Alex, Caleb this is Cathrin" as he pointed at the golden brown haired boy is Alex and the curly red haired boy is Caleb.

I smiled at both of them and they smiled back. Something about Alex triggers me to blush a little. I need to show you to your room Cathrin. Charels took my hand and lead me to the big oak door. We went through and i saw another long hallway with doors lining the walls. he leads me to the third door on the left and opens it to reveal a small room with a bed and a desk in the corner.

" you best go to bed you've had a long couple days," said Charels, he turned around and left me alone. I walked over to the bed and laid down. i fell asleep almost instantly.


 Hey guys Animegirl32 here, please tell me if you liked this and vote, please vote!!!!!

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