Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and all I could think about was Alex. I slipped my feet out of the warm comforters and onto the cold floor. I looked around my new room. There were no windows, Probably because we're underground, I thought. There was a small closet to the right of my bed with new cloths in it. next to my bed was a bedside table and over in the corner was a desk with a few books and a laptop. There was a door next to the desk, maybe to the bathroom, I thought.

I walked over to my closet and slipped into the closest thing I saw. It was black and yellow and it looked like a jumpsuit. The back is open so my wings can move. I pulled on some pants that were black and yellow too. My hands slipped into these gloves that stop at my wrist and stops at second joint of my fingers. Lastly I slipped into some black boots to finish the outfit. 

I walked out of my room, and down the hallway. I feel a shiver go down my spine, I flinch when someone touches my wing. I turn around and see Alex he looked like he was amazed. He was in a black and yellow jumpsuit just me.

"Professor X is right, you do have beautiful soft wings." he smiled and walks towards the small kitchen. They must call Charels Profrssor X. I follow and Caleb wouldn't keep his eye off me. I just ignored it and got some cereal. I sat down by Alex and we started eating breakfast. I couldn't help but notice that he was wearing the same thing as me and Alex, but he had fabric attaching from his wrists to his hips. He could glide with that, I guess. yeah that's probably what its for, I thought.

"So how did you sleep?" Alex asks breaking the silent. "I slept fine, I miss my own bed though. My bed was super comfortable." I answer as if it were a normal conversation. But really I was freaking out in the inside.Professor X walks in and was happy to see me. he was wearing the same suit as well. I guess its the uniform, I thought as I took another bite of cereal. Professor X raised two fingers to his temple, That is exactly what they are Cathrin, He said in my head. 

"Well good morning to all of you, we got more work to do, so hurry eating and we will get our training done." I smile as I put the last bite of cereal in my mouth. "Where are we suppose to go exactly?" I asked still not knowing where everything is.

"Come on, I'll show you." as Alex walks through the one door through the right, The mysterious door, I thought. Alex opened the door for me and it was a training area that was huge. It was tall and it has a lot of room. I was impressed but I wonder what professor X would be training me for?

5 minutes later....

I never actually used my wings, I didn't really need them for anything. So this is going to be a little tricky for me. I stood on this platform that was15 ft tall in the gym that was like 50 stories tall. Professor X scares me from my train of thought.

Don't worry all you have to do is fly. He smiled at me, as if he knew something I didn't. Which he probably did. 

"And how do I do that," I said as I looked over the edge of the platform. Ummm......Just.......You'll just know. I stared at him like he was crazy. Just jump, he looked up at me and I took a step back.

"I don't know, I-I don't think I can do it. I've never really used my wings before," I stuttered.  Don't worry you'll be able to do it, you can fly, I'll make sure that you can before this lesson is over, he smiled at me. I breathed in and ran forward. I jumped off and spread out my wings. I was speachles as the air caught me and wind whistled through my feathers.

"Go higher, move your wings, you control them just like your arms or legs," he yelled. I move my wings up and down. I started to rise.

"Hahaha, I'm flying," I yelled as I looked at professor Xavier. he raised two fingers to his temple, See I new that you could do it. I smiled down at him. I was flying, actually flying. 

"Now try landing," he yelled up at me. I stopped flapping for a second as I went downward. I moved so I was upright and my feet hit the ground. The professor looked at me like I was a child that had just learned how to do math.

"Did I do OK professor?" I asked.

" You did better than OK you were amazing, and please, call me Charles," he said as he ran his hand down one of my wings. "Simply marvelous," Charles muttered. I heard clapping in the back ground.

"Looks like I'm not the only one that can fly." Caleb said about to dive down to be by Professor X's side. I covered my ears and closed my eyes as he did his super sonic scream. He glided down to us and landed the same way I did.

" Hey guys," said Alex as he walked in. He came over to me and took my hand. "Come on, I'll show you around." He lead me away from professor X and toward the door. He's holding my hand! He's really holding my hand! I thought to myself as I blushed when he held my hand but then let go when we went through the door.


Hey guys Animegirl32 here, I would really like it if you guys commented on the book. what do you guys want Cathrin to do? And VOTE, PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

And a special thanks to MrsMahone04 for helping me write the book


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