#28 Single Pringle 4 Life

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I was in my room on YouTube watching some of kian and Sam's (kiansam13) videos. They were pretty cute even when they were that young. I wonder what it was like growing up where they lived. My opinion is that they were kinda like me and Sydney. Which by the way had to go back to Texas. Her mother isn't doing very well and she didn't want her to be alone since her dad has been dead for awhile. My shirt just wasn't very comfortable so I changed into some pajamas. 9:30 at night and kian hadn't come to talk to me so I'm so happy about that. Note the sarcasm. Actually I think I'm home alone because I haven't heard anything for hours. Instead of calling Kian like I would I called jc.

Bub: hey baby sis. What u need

Jessie: is everyone gone

Bub: yeah Kian said he asked you and you didn't want to go

Jessie: okay. Tell Kian I'm done

Then I ended the call. I'm furious right now. He's been so weird since my birthday and I'm through. He can apologise but unless he has a good reason I'm going to be a single pringle for life!

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