#25 Happy Birthday Jessie Part 4

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(the music is about the person at the end of the story they were close but never got relationship close. IDEK if that made since but I felt like the song kinda described how Jessie felt about that. If you like the music tell me and I'll do it more often.)

I woke up to Kian shaking my arm. "Jessie were home. You got to get up." I didn't feel like walking so I told Kian to carry me and he did but then he dropped me at the front door. "Ughh really." I want to open the door and the power was out. "Guys? They were gone. Where could they go the car was still there. I got out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I was wondering around the house then someone jumped out. My reflexes got ahead of my mind because a second later I had just punched Sam in the face. I couldn't help but laugh, "Are you okay Sam?" he just screamed. Then the lights went on and there were all the guys and some other people. "In so confused what's happening." everyone was just laughing at me. Then someone came up front. "You didn't think I was going to miss you birthday did you." I immediately ran into his arms. "BECK. You came. In so happy." in the corner of my eye I saw kian. He looked sad. So I grabbed beck and led him to Sydney. He grabbed her hand and I told them to have fun. Kian looked relieved. "Well I'm guessing this is a party so let's get it started!" I ran over to the guys and hugged all of them. I hugged Kian longer though. "When we going to tell him?" kian seemed really eager but I was freaking out. "When it's close to the end of the party." he nodded then we went and danced. We ended up having a dance battle in the middle of the living room. Everyone was laughing and having fun. Then I heard screaming, we all ran to the source. It was beck and Sydney. "What's wrong are y'all okay." Sydney was mad, "Well beck here likes you not me. He was just using me the whole time." I was mad now. "YOU USED MY FRIEND. WELL GUESS WHAT SHES NOT UNBREKABLE, YOU HAVE SOME NERVE TO TELL HER THAT AT MY PARTY. YOU WERE ONE OF MY BESTFRIENDS. I CANT BELIEVE YOU. YOU ARE NOT ALL-" he kissed me right when I was about to punch him Kian ran to me and sydney. "I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU AND YOU JUST CAUSED SYDNEY TO CRY AND JESSIE MAY NOT LOOK LIKE IT BUT SHES HURTING. STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE HERE." then he punched him and didn't stop. So I got up and just told him to stop, he did. And just like that I kissed him. Evryone was shocked at what just happened. JC looked mad and Sydney was balling her eyes out. JC came towards me but he did the one thing I thought he wasn't going to do he hugged me and I can't believe I did but I cried.

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