#22 Happy Birthday Jessie Part 1

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Today's my birthday and I don't plan anything for myself because I just was too lazy. At the moment I'm laying in my head just thinking about how to tell JC. I'm not sure if he is gonna be mad or okay with it. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSIE!" all the guys had just walked into my room. "Thanks guys what are you doing?" they were hiding something behind them. JC answered me "Well I know how much you like dogs so I thought why not add someone to the family. He's not young but he's not old." they moved out the way and there was a dog. "Thank you so much what's his name?" kian answered next "his name is slate. He's a pitbull, he's 2-3 years old." (Thats one of my dogs and I thought it would be fun to add him to the story. The picture above had a filter on it but he's grey with parts of white.) I ran over to JC and kian and hugged them first, then Sam and trevor, and finally Ricky and Connor. Slate came over to me and laid down next to me on my bed. "I love him already." but I couldn't just enjoy a minute with my new dog I had to get dressed and ready in a hour. They didn't tell me what for so I'm sure it's for my birthday.

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