#23 Happy Birthday Jessie Part 2

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So I did get ready. "Ok I'm ready guys." when I looked up they were all staring at me. "This is weird why are y'all starin at me?" they still just stared but Sam finally broke the silence. "Ok I gonna go ahead and say it. You look HOT in a dress." JC and Kian glared at him while trevor, ricky, and Connor were just standing there like idiots. "Sam that's my sister were talking about. Watch it. Anyways lil sis I have never seen you in a dress like that." I just responded with a awkaward thank You. Eventually we got in the car. Ricky was driving. Then Jc was in the pasanger seat. The next row was Kian-Me-Connor then Sam-Trevor-Sydney. It was a lot of fun just driving to where ever we were going. As we got closer to where we were going kian secretly started to hold my hand. I smiled at him but Then Connor nudged me. He gave me the what's going on look. So I texted him

To: Cinnacon (Don't ask. Just made it up)

Please don't tell JC

He got the text and gave me the okay look and I mouthed thank you and so did Kian. Ok so After settiling that we got out we were at a restraunt. I immediately recognized it. "TOKOYO GRILL!" Ok so I might be a little obsesed over tokoyo grill at the moment. All the boys were laughing at me after my outburst. We walked in it was Sam-JC-Me-Kian-Connor on one side then Jenn-Ricky-trevor-Sydney. I had met before Jenn so it was fun having another girl other then Sydney. I finished and then the Sam went out to the car And brought in a bag. It had a chance of clothes in it. The boys told me to go change. (I was going to show the dress but I made the outfit in the picture not the dress one so the dress had a denium top but lace bottom.) I walked out and told Sydney thank you for the outfit but she said the guys picked it out. So I said thanks and then they told me why I changed. "We are all going to Disney land!" "YAY" I love roller coasters. Then we were on our way and it was only 12:00.

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