Chapter 14

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Arcee's POV

I didn't expect this when I volunteered for this. There is literally nothing here. This whole place is just one big black void. Solus, if your here, I don't know if I'm even capable of finding you.
Nothing but inky blackness. Smooth, Arcee, you just had to come along.
"Ya know I would've thought you would have learned your way around by now, 'Cee."
I whirled around and saw I was on Cybertron again. "What the?" I murmured.
"Come on Arcee are you even listening?" I looked beside me and saw Tailgate with his arms crossed.
"Tailgate?" I gasped moving closer to him.
"Who else Arcee? I am your partner. Now come on we are already behind the others for the mission." He smiled and began to walk away. I followed him with some caution.
"What mission?"
He stopped and looked back at me. "Arcee are you alright? You should know this mission inside and out."
"Excuse me, Tailgate, but something just doesn't feel right." I stopped a few meters away.
"Know the feeling. But are you sure you're okay for the mission? I can comm Flightbreak to call off the mission." Tailgate asked.
"Flightbreak is in charge?" I doubled checked.
"Yeah. Have you not been paying attention when Ultra Magnus assigned him to our squad as our commander."
"Actually it's the fact he is in charge." I muttered under my breath.
"What do you have against him, 'Cee? He's a good bot." Tailgate reasoned.
"His planning is the reason I broke rank and got captured by Airachnid," I snapped.
"Arcee, I know but we need to follow orders." Tailgate spoke while resting a servo on my shoulder.
"How could you know? You got captured... and were kill." I said the last part slowly. I looked up at Tailgate's blue and white form. "You're not Tailgate. You're not even real."
"Arcee, what's are you talking about?" He backed away as I engaged my wrist blades.
"You may have been my partner once but I got a new one. He's always by my side and is never afraid to fight for what is right. I'm done regretting my past and not saving you or Cliff." I slashed through his form. "I am sorry but I'm not going to let that rule my life."

Bumblebee's POV

Du du duuuuuuuuh, dark void. Huh weird, my headlights aren't even noticeable. Well might as well get a view of my surroundings. Nothing there, nothing, uh uh, building, nothing..... Wait building?!
I looked back at it and suddenly I'm on Cybertron. Woah I didn't see this coming.
"Hey look Autobotscum." I heard someone yell.
I whipped around and saw a patrol of Decepticons coming towards me. I backed up and engaged my blasters. Those that got to close got shot. Then something heavy landed on my back. I grunted and struggled to my peds as the patrol swooped in and stasis cuffed me. This seems familiar... Scrap. This was how I got captured and lost my voice box. I thought I was over this. Guess not.
But before they could even drag me away the entire scenery changed. I was in my altmode driving around with Raf in the back seat. He fiddled with his toy car we were going to racing. Ratchet commed through and told me to meet with the others. Raf understood and I began to make my way to the exit ramp when a con started to shoot at us from the sky. I adjusted my mirrors and saw Megatron. I dodged all but one blast and spun out of control. Once I gained control again, I used my rear view to check on Raf. He was unconscious and limp.
I whirled sadly and kicked my gears into high and sped towards the others. Nearing them I transformed with Raf in hand. They all looked at him in shock and worry. Optimus called for a bridge and Arcee and I returned to base. Ratchet tried his best to help Raf, even calling in June. We finally came to the conclusion of getting regular energon into him when we heard a long beep from a heart monitor.
He flat lined and I collapsed. No, no, it can't end this way. He isn't suppose to die.... He wasn't suppose to die. This is an illusion, I realized. Raf isn't dead because I saved him. This is all in my mind, not real.

Hey guys this is Authoress, aka Starshooter. Any way we have Vector, Megatronus, and Megatron left. You readers are going to vote which one I'll write first. These three are my tougher ones so they will take longer to write and since right now they have no order I have yet to start them. Vote which one you want to see the most.

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