Chapter 9

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Optimus POV

I flew through a cloud bank at a high speed. The base had tried to contact me ever since I left it to find Solus. Not once did I answer. I landed briefly and found that everything felt different. Scouting the area a found a large cave. I checked my scanners for more information. A large, dark energy emitted from the cave.
I moved inside with my servo changed into an ion cannon. I rounded a corner and knelt beside a ledge with the Shadow Assassins walking around and training.
"So guys when is father meant to return with Solus?" Scarletdrop asked from where she sat watching her sisters train.
"Soon Scarlet," Shadowblade replied as she and Ghostrider ended their sparring.
"Well it better be, that dark energon can only permit Unicron so much control over her. We need her to wipe Cybertron from existence." Flaredagger said flicking her audios and tail.
"Well at least soon the primes will be no more," Void remarked.
"Indeed sisters," Castaway agreed. Flaredagger's audio twitched and swiveled into my direction. I moved from the ledge when she looked up.
"I'm going on a quick patrol to see if they have come back yet." I heard Flaredagger's voice rang out and I felt my energon become cold in my systems. I moved quietly backwards and when I thought I was out of their hearing range I turn to the exit of the cave. I grunted when a fist connected with my bare faceplates. I stumbled back and looked at the fist's owner. Time stopped as I was glared at by Flaredagger. "Some one wasn't very smart." She remarked and swung at me again.
I caught her fist and she round house her leg up to connect with my helm and climb onto my back. I tried to throw her off as she sliced at me with her claws. I slammed my back into a wall force her to fall to the floor. I felt the energon drip from the open lines. I headed towards the opening only to get shot in the back. I stumbled forwards and turn to see Shadowblade, Void, and Soundbarrier. Void held a smoking blaster at her side. Knowing they would follow me and attack my mask snapped shut.
The three smirked as I heard a femme's voice near my audio. "Lights out." And the world started to fade as something was injected into my neck. I spun away to see who it was. Nightwalker grinned at me as the world went dark.

Solus's POV

I blinked my optics to readjust to the light of the cave Unicron brought me to. I looked around the cave and my optics landed on my sisters; Scarletdrop, Castaway, Ghostrider, Scorn, Windracer, and Redcrest. They looked at me before smiling. Hearing the sound if metal being dragged, we all turned to see Void supporting Flaredagger as she staggered, and Shadowblade, Soundbarrier, and Nightwalker dragging the unconscious body of Optimus.
Blinking in surprise I turn to Unicron for an explination. He just looked straight at Shadow though. "Explain why you have brought him here," he demanded casting a hate filed glance at the young Prime.
"He was snooping around more than likely to find Solus before you did." Shadowblade stated as Optimus was dropped onto the floor. "And we can use him as an advantage. Don't you think that the Primes will come get their own young brother?"
"They had no trouble turning their back on me after all I have done," I murmured.
Unicron casted me a glance before kneeling down to inspect Optimus. "He's young but I feel as if his spark is old and that I have felt its energy before." He stood again and faced me. "How is that possible?"
"Primus allowed his spark to be reborn and he was the youngest of the thirteen." I answered. They all faced me fully. "What didn't find that out until I reawakened." I shrugged.
My sisters looked away and Unicron glanced down at the Prime before him. "He could be of use if that blasted Matrix of my brother did not surround his spark, I could corrupt him." Unicron stated pulling away and standing again.
"Father, the Matrix is capable of corrupting and when it is, it dies." Every single optic looked at me. "I studied the Matrix's weaknesses when I was ordered by Prima to place it within the Star Saber's hilt. All that need to be done is the weakening of its host, not the killing. With his body weakened, and with me exploiting the matrix for corruption, the matrix would die and a Prime would be your servant."
Their optics flashed and smirks appeared. "Scorn, Void, take our guest to the other cavern for punishment for trapping me within myself." Unicron spoke before walking up to me. "And this plan better work my dear other wise you will be erased." He murmured in my audio before disappearing.
I only blinked and follow my sisters into the other chamber. I look at Flaredagger who limped behind me. I slowed and matched her pace. "What?!?" She snapped.
"Why are you limping sister?" I answered calmly.
"That prime smash me into the cave wall with his body to get me off." She muttered.
"Well sit down and let me fix what's making you limp."
"No. I am fine. I am not weak." She growled.
"I never said you were." I walked away then.

*time skip*

I watch my sisters leave the cavern that Optimus hung in. I enter the light that was emitted by the chains of every prisoner. The Decepticons were chained to the wall to watch this event. I came up to Optimus and lifted his helm. Energon leaked from gashes and his optics flickered slightly as he look at me.
"This...isn't y-you... Solus. I-I know the truth. They...messed with...your m-mind. They tricked you." He pleaded.
"They only told me truths, " I told him as my servo trace the transformation seams covering his chest.
The tip of my digit clawed into the area between two plates above his spark. He looked at me. "Stop. Solus... Please... Sister..." I looked up at his optics freezing as he called me his sister. Optimus noticed my shock at his words. "I wouldn't hurt me on purpose." He drew in a shaky vent. "Remember the time long ago when Scarletdrop sent a poison throwing star at me and you smashed it with your Forge in their attempt to assassinate me before the accident." He murmured weakly and I saw his optics flash in multi-colored light before returning to normal.
I stepped back away from him. He remembered part of his past, how is that possible? I looked over his from again and shook my helm. "I do remember Optimus. And I do want to protect you. That is why I'm doing this. It'll save you the pain if you just relax and open your chest plates."
"You know I can not do that Solus." He tried to be firm.
"Fine then, " I turned away from him and grabbed the blunt dagger that was discarded from earlier. Pressing the tip into the armor seam, I coax the plates to shift open revealing a pulsing blue spark behind a gold container with handles. "The matrix." I whisper. I place a servo on it feeling the pulsing warmth emitted by the gift Primus had given the primes. I fell to hesitance again as I grabbed the shard of Dark Energon from my subspace.
I lifted it to the opening of the Matrix and it began to fuse with its core. The Matrix pulsed wildly trying to resist the venom of the energon. I moved the shard from the core to Optimus's spark to let them fuse. I pulled back hearing Optimus scream for the first time.
Looking around the room I guess this was the first tine any decepticon heard him scream in so much pain. Megatron struggled against his chains and glared at me.
Breaking the shard in two, I sighed and pressed one shard into the Matrix fully, and the other within the spark. Optimus screamed, yelled, thrash, and writhed around in pain as the dark force flooded his systems.
I watched as the Matrix flickered and went nova. Then it just faded to black and fell from the bared chest. It clanged on the ground and Optimus went limp. Lifting the now cold, ice cold matrix, I felt as if my spark was just as cold and dark.
I subspaced it and looked at Optimus. His head hung low, chest bare, spark pulsing wildly calming down and taking a purple tint, and energon smeared from gashes all over.
"Do not pity him." I jumped at the voice and turned to see Unicron.
"Father." I greeted.
"You did a great job, Solus. Now it is time." He walked up to Optimus fully who online once more and looked at Unicron steadily.
"Unicron." Was all he could force out his throat tubing raw.
Unicron smirk, "the Prime that locked me away."
I watched silently as Unicron put more dark energon into Optimus's spark. His screams bounced around and I felt sick. That is until Unicron released him. Optimus landed in a kneeling position. "Now you serve me. Arise Optimus, and serve your master." Unicron ordered and Optimus rose to his peds.
"Yes my lord." He's optics flashed purple and stayed.
"Good now Solus, is the one you follow when I am not around. She is also your master." Unicron pointed to me. I blinked in shocked.
Optimus's optics landed on my. "I shall serve my lord and my lady." He bowed.
"Good. " Unicron nodded.
I snapped out of my daze. "Father. I-I don't understand."
"You have proven yourself my daughter. You deserved a reward. Now send these spectators to tell the primes and that little team what had transpired." With that Unicron faded away.
"Free them and round them together." I ordered Optimus. He did just that and soon the Decepticon were kneeled before me. " Tell the Primes their odds have just dropped further." With that a ground bridge opened below them sending them to the base.
I looked at Optimus. Something was going to happen. Just what I do not know.

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