Chapter 5

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I smiled happily at the two mechs standing there. "Long time no see." I greeted moving to my peds.
"Far too long." The taller one said.
"Much too long." The shorter one chuckled.
Alpha Trion and Megatronus moved their way over to me as I met them half way. Me and Alpha hugged before he moved to repair my back plating the best he could. Megatronus seemed hesitant to touch me as if he was afraid that if he did I would disappear. I sighed before grabbing his servo. "I ain't that fragile you know." I joked as Alpha moved away knowing what was coming. Megatronus smiled before pulling me in an armor crushing hug which I gratefully return.
When he set me down he pecked my cheek plating and put our helm together. "I thought I lost you." He murmured.
"It takes more than a blast through the abdomen to keep me down." I laughed. I moved away slightly to turn to the others present. The younger humans and bots had their eye/optics shut while older simply looked away. I sighed lightly before moving away completely and stood next to Alpha. "Okay we're done being lovey dovey." I rolled my optics.
They finally looked back and I smirked. Megatronus came up behind me as Optimus moved to talk with Alpha. "Alpha Trion?" He questioned.
"Indeed. It is good to see you again Optimus." Alpha smiled while holding out a servo.
They shook servos as Smokescreen saluted him. "Alpha Trion sir."
I looked at Alpha for an explanation. "Smokescreen was my guard in the twilight hours of the war for Cybertron."
I made an oh expression. Suddenly everything felt cold and distant. I looked around to see everyone's color grayish and they were frozen. I looked a head to see each of my sisters in a circle around something.
"How quickly things change my daughter. Why do you still believe that those primes would defend you? If you truly believe it's because they love you, your wrong. If your sisters are defeated you will have no use to them." Unicron appeared and looked at me.
"Then you don't know my brothers Unicron." I snapped.
He smirked. "Perhaps I don't or I know more than you do."
I growled at him. "Then you don't know your brother. For Primus would defend me in there need be."
"I know more about my brother than you think. And believe me when I say daughter dear, he respects you as far as most cybertronians trust a scraplet. Don't be foolish and trust those that you think love you."
"I will never believe you Unicron. Even those who just learned I was your creation don't act hostile. So cut your act all that you do is lie to further your own ambition." I snarled.
"Then my dear you are still blinded. Such a shame. Enjoy the time that you have now for they will turn on you." With those lovely words the world melted back to normal and I felt my head spin and I collapsed.
I couldn't focus as the world went black as I heard shouting and saw blurs of colors.

Alpha Trion's POV

I took notice of how rigid Solus got and her optics were wide. Megatronus took notice too an held her slightly. Those who didn't understand fully what was going on stepped back a little though Optimus looked more unnerved by the event and stayed where he was. At least he sort of knew what was happening. I saw her go limp and she collapsed. She stared blindly at us all as I moved to check on her as the others yelled out her name.
I shared a look with Megatronus before turning to Optimus. "Optimus has this planet come into contact with stable cyber matter?" Please don't let that be true, I silently begged.
I took notice of some of the Decepticons shifting but I kept my gaze on my pupil. "Yes Alpha Trion. This world has when the Omega Lock was activated. I stopped it from cyber forming all of Earth though it cost us Cybertron."
I knew that it was destroyed but I face Megatronus to see my expression nearly mirrored by his own. "Oh scrap! We are in deep, deep, deep, scrap!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry but why are you both so worried?" Ratchet questioned.
"We're worried about that is because Solus still is technically the creation of Unicron and if he reawakens again I fear that the odds we have will dip even further into their favor." I explained as Megatronus looked up at me.
"And the playing field will change from 4 primes against 11 Shadow Assassins, to 3 primes against 12 and the God of destruction." He said gravely looking down at Solus.
"Wait you mean that Unicron will take control of Solus?" Smokescreen gasped.
"I'm afraid so."
"Then we go to Earth's core and use the Matrix again." Bulkhead said.
"Only problem with that is that Optimus would lose his memories once more and the Shadow Assassins will distract us from getting to Vector Sigma to only destroy it." I explained.
"But the key card." Jack raised the glowing card.
"Would be useless with out being charged by Vector Sigma." I shook my helm. The whole situation just got a whole lot complicated.
"IMMA AWAKE!" Solus shouted suddenly and sat up. "Nope never mind huge helm ache." She laid back down and covered her optics.
Every one had jumped at her sudden out burst and looked at her strangely. "It might be better if we got her into a proper berth so she doesn't get crabby." Megatronus whispered and got hit in the helm by Solus.
"I don't get crabby. I just summon scraplets to chase you guys when you annoy me." She protested gaining some odd stares.
"See crabby." Megatronus joked.
"Don't tempt me." Solus frowned.
"But there isn't any scraplets on earth." He reasoned.
"Wanna bet?" Solus gave a dead look.
"There isn't any... Is there?" Megatronus looked up at the bots gather.
"There are but there frozen in stasis in the Artic." Ratchet shivered at the memory.
"Told you not to tempt me." Solus laughed as Megatronus's faceplates twisted up in fear a little. "I'm messing with ya."
He only relax a little as Solus stood up again.
"Solus," I began.

Solus POV

I turned to Alpha when he call my name. "Yes Alpha?"
"Your vision... Was it just as..."
"Bad? Yes. But I fear that we all need to be ready for what is to come." I crossed my arms and shared a look with the bots all present. "This is only the beginning for us. Unicron and the Shadow Assassins have the upper hand now but we will come out on top. Till all are one!"
"Till all are one!" Alpha, Megatronus, and Optimus copied.

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