Chapter 3

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I sighed out a groan. "That just makes my sisters more determined."
"What do you mean more determined? And if they are your sisters why are you a Prime if your meant to be their very enemy?" The young blue mech with a yellow chest asked.
"What I mean by more determined is that they will try to once more reawaken Unicron, kill any who would be a likely candidate for Prime, kill Optimus, destroy the Matrix and have its powers become useless, and to top all that off them helping Unicron to destroy Primus." I nearly broke down. Not a good impression. " And before I answer your second question it would appear I'm at a disadvantage. You all know my name and yet I only know the Decepticons' and Optimus's. Would you kindly introduce your selves so we may get along better?"
"Of course." Optimus nodded and motioned for his team to introduce themselves.
The one who had wielded my hammer before bowed his helm. "I am Ultra Magnus, Lady Solus."
I nearly laughed at the name know it meant ultra large, but I wasn't going to be rude to them. I nodded and turned to the femme. I looked down farther than I normally would have since I was used to femmes closer to my size. "I'm Arcee, ma'am." She stood at attention and I honestly laughed.
"Arcee, I can tell right away me and you will get along." She smiled and stood at ease.
The big green one introduced himself next. "I'm Bulkhead. It is an honor."
I smirked and realize he was a Wrecker. Amalagamous and Nexus would be proud to see how far their dream of a military group that had fun and lived dangerously was very much alive. "The honor is mine." I replied.
The white, red,and green mech huffed. "I'm Wheeljack and I ain't gonna listen to a leader who thinks they can force me to do something I don't want to follow."
"Wouldn't dream of it. And I agree with you on some parts. I didn't exactly liked following Prima's lead. Nor did Amalagamous or Nexus. They wanted a group where they could be themselves and did harder missions than what was truly need. It would seem to me that the little group they started with became the very group both of you were in. I'm sure you both made them proud." The two wreckers gaped at me while I turned to the final two mechs. They were very young.
The blue one with yellow chest introduced himself first. "I'm Smokescreen, Ma'am. It is a true honor to meet you."
He relaxed when I nodded turning to the final youngling. His mouth guard was up which puzzled me. That is until he spoke did I understand. He lost his voice box. He spoke in beeps and I knew what they said. "I'm Bumblebee."
I spoke back the same way. "Hello Bumblebee."
Everyone looked at me in surprise. Bumblebee was confused, "you can talk like I do?!?"
"Of course I can. But tell me what happened to your voice box?" I asked curious.
He looked behind me and I followed his gaze to Megatron. Megatron now looked uncomfortable under my gaze.
"Was he the one who damaged it?"
Bumblebee nodded. "Back on Cybertron I was captured and was tortured for information about the Autobots. When I didn't give him answers and mocked him he ripped it out and crushed it. He left me for dead but our field medic patched me up enough so I can at least communicate this way."
I looked back at Megatron and sighed. I grabbed my hammer and knelt down to see Bumblebee's neck joints better. "Hold still. This may feel awkward at first but it should help. No one deserves this kind of limitation in vocal communication."
I clinked my hammer to the spot where voice boxes were close to the surface. My forge glowed softly and I pulled away to stand. "Now try to speak."
"Um okay. I ... Wait I can talk again." He jumped around and then hugged me. Every one of the older bots gasped well not Optimus.
"Yes you can talk, now." I laughed and hugged the youngling back.
I released him and he pulled away. His mouth guard retracted and his mouth was shown. "Thank you, Lady Solus. Ratchet and Raf will be so happy."
"Ratchet and Raf?" I asked.
Optimus walked over to me. "Yes. Ratchet is our medic. Raf is a human. He, Miko, and Jack are our human charges. " he explained
"Ah. I would like to meet them if that's okay with you." I replied.
He nodded opening a comm. link. I looked at Bumblebee, "Don't talk right away. We want it to be a surprise." I smiled as a ground bridge opened.
A white and orange medic came through with five humans. One had dark skin and looked like a male, another was a dark haired woman in nurses scrubs, a boy of raven hair, a girl with black hair with pink tips, and a young boy with glasses that had spiky brown hair. "Optimus what is so important that all of us needed to come?" He sound annoyed.
"Ratchet I would like you to meet Solus Prime." Optimus pointed to me and I walked forwards.
"Solus Prime?" Ratchet gasped and I smiled.
"Yep now who are these natives?" I ask bending down to their height.
"I'm special Agent William Fowler." The dark skinned man saluted.
"I nurse June Darby." The older woman smiled.
"I'm Jack Darby." The older boy said.
"Cool." The young female said. "I'm Miko."
"My name is Raf." The youngest boy said nervously.
"Nice to meet you all." I looked at Raf. "And I believe you will like this surprise."
"Surprise?" He asked as all of them grew confused.
"Yeah Raf." I smiled at Bumblebee as he took over.
"Bumblebee your voice," Ratchet gasped.
"Wait Bee can talk?" Miko questioned.
"Yep thanks to Solus." Bee told them.
"I must say though Ratchet if you didn't attempt to fix his voice box I would not have been able to do that." I winked at the medic.
"Now Solus," Optimus interrupted us for now. "Can you explain why Redcrest call you a sister if you are considered a daughter of Primus and a Prime?"
"Of course. It's a long story so you all might as well sit." I crossed my legs and plopped down to the ground. They all stared at me before doing it in a more dignified way. "So it all started long before both the Primes and Shadow Assassins were around. Primus battled Unicron for eons. But even gods tire eventually. A truce was made for them to gather their strength once more. If the other felt they were prepared enough they could attack. Primus didn't go on the offensive even though he could have, he chose to increase the number fighting. He concentrated his energy to form the Primes. Unicron sensed this and was furious, for he knew that the odds dipped into Primus's favor more and more as a prime was created. He too focused his energy to form the Shadow Assassins. Shadowblade, the eldest. Scorn, the second oldest. Windracer, the third eldest. Castaway, the fourth. Then myself. Ghostrider, the middle with her twin, Nightwalker. Soundbarrier followed closely behind her. Redcrest was the fourth youngest. Flaredagger being the third youngest. Void, as the second youngest. And Scarletdrop being the youngest. Each of us were meant to be different from the Primes yet the one we correspond to does even count. We each acted to our own accord. Though we weren't created by Primus he still held an in our creation. The Allspark gave each of these Shadow Assassins a darker spark than the primes but since it is an artifact of pure energy, Primus manage to influence it to give at least one spark a friendlier less hostile energy. That was my spark. Now as Primus and Unicron rested, both sides train to defeat the other. When finally we faced in battle I hesitated every time I could offline a prime. The last battle I faced with my sisters beside me was the day I was betrayed.
"As we fought the primes Shadowblade ordered all but me back. She had sent a comm link to the others and as they went to her position I was left to fight against not just the youngest of the Primes but also all of them. I pulled away from the battle I was in and stopped. My sisters planned on using an antimatter blast. Some of the primes try to take me down, but the thirteenth stopped them and pointed to my sisters as the blast was nearly ready. They too were shock at the power they summoned to create it. Once it was launch, Primus who was battling Unicron took notice and moved to block all of us. I was surprised he protected me even though I was farther away from the Primes. Then again the thirteenth did pull me closer to their group when the blast's force struck Primus. When everything settled Primus was injured badly yet smiled seeing every prime safe. Unicron never did that for his creations, so I was very surprised by it all. My sisters think that was where my honor died. I say it grew. Even before I had my forge or this time, I was a master craftsman. I forged my sister weapons, like Redcrest's scythe, Shadowblade's katana, Void's Destructo disk. All were things I had made. But any who, I was to my honor, Primus saved me so I would help him. I flew closer to the primes who instantly drew their weapons to defend and yet I only stared at Primus.
"I asked for forgiveness and if I could help in any way. Some laughed while others had tightened their grip. I remember only Alpha Trion, Megatronus, and the thirteenth not aiming their weapons at my spark. Those three convinced the others and I helped them to repair the damage done to Primus. He asked my if I wanted to be free from Unicron's control, which I answered yes to. And from that day on I was Solus Prime. I built the weapons of the primes and many other things. And well you know the rest." I shrugged at the end.
"But how are you still alive?" Ultra Magnus asked.
"Well I'm still a creation of Unicron. I have dark energon within me keeping me alive until I chose to die." 
"That does explain a lot more than we had known. Thank you Lady Solus." Optimus thanked.
"Still being formal?" I joked before standing. "Now I have a question for you. What of the Powers Symbols do you know?"

Thanks to autobotsrule for her help with six of the names, Scorn, Windracer, Castaway, Ghostrider, Nightwalker, and Soundbarrier.

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