Chapter 2

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The silver mech nodded. "I see. My name is Megatron leader of the Decepticons."
Megatron smirked at me. I shifted unsteadily on my peds. He then introduced the mechs that came with him. The mech with heels was Starscream. The one optic mech was Shockwave. The silent blue one was Soundwave. And the red sports car mech was Knockout. "Now Miss what is your designation?"
Megatron was forcing himself to be pleasant. I straightened myself, "I'm Solar."
"Well Solar you armor gleams beautifully." Knockout complimented.
I felt my faceplates heat up. "Um thank you Knockout."
I looked at the other mechs as felt embarrassed by the attention. "Well Solar. I welcome you. Perhaps we can persuade you into being a Decepticon." Megatron stepped forwards.
"Sorry but I'm ain't gonna be in this war if I don't need to be." I refused, raising my servos in a non disrespectful.
"Then Solar it would seem we have reached an impasse. For my Decepticons don't need another enemy." Megatron sneered.
They all on lined their blaster and cannons and aimed them all at me. I looked at all of them I shock and backed up slightly. Okay now I feel nervous since I'm not the best at talking my way out of these things. "Look this don't have to end in energon shed. I'm just passing through. I was just looking for a nice place to be for a little bit. And I..." I froze hearing each of their weapons charging.
I then heard a voice I recognized barely. "Megatron stand down. I will not permit you to harm a femme." His voice deep I looked at the speaker. He was bulky with a jet pack. Red and blue paint job I determined he was Optimus. He was accompanied by a blue femme, a blue mech with my hammer, a blue mech with yellow on his chassis, a black and yellow mech with huge optics, a white mech with katanas drawn, and a green mech.
Megatron turned to Optimus. "Ah Optimus what a surprise. Decepticons attack!"
The bots and cons attacked each other. The ones who looked alike were killed easily. I looked at Optimus and Megatron fight with graceful skill.
I felt the pluck in my spark. I looked up at the sky above to see a lone purple streak. My first sister has arrived. And by the angle she was heading she was going for Optimus. The others battles beside the one Optimus and Megatron currently engaged in stopped. They all stared at the incoming streak. The one with my hammer stood next to me. I looked at him. "Excuse me sir can I borrow that really quickly?"
They all looked at me as I pointed to the Forge. "There's nothing it can do now but alright." He told me. I nodded gripping it. I fixed my energy into it causing the large Forge to shrink into a more hand held hammer. I doubled checked the trajectory my sister was going and notice her sharp blades in front to kill. I positioned myself and dashed towards the two battling. They took notice of me and froze as I used my other thruster to help me leap over them. I swung my forge and the responding sound of metal clashing and breaking. I looked into my sister's dark purple optics to see her anger. I saw Redcrest and how she glared hatefully at me. We flipped away from each other and landed on the ground.
I was still in front of all the other cybertronians present. My hammer was at my side and didn't have a crack on it. The same couldn't be said for Redcrest's swords. They were broken half way down and she discarded them. She smirked and stood up right. "It's good to see you again too sister dear. Did you finally realize the stupidity of following Primus and come to ask our forgiveness?"
"I may be your sister Redcrest but in no way will I betray Primus for ones who would kill me without a second glance." I snarled at her.
She frowned. "Oh well dear sister. It would seem you learned nothing." She smiled and her optics flash in a malevolent way.
Redcrest brought out her signature scythe and in glimmered a pale purple with a black hilt. I shifted slightly and waited for her to lunge. She did and I swiftly caught her scythe in my hammer and twirl it so it shot out of her servos. It landed a ways away, blade piecing the ground. She snarled as I swung aiming for her helm and she duck which I swept leg out catching her midsection and sent her stumbling back. I drew a symbol in the air that was known as the Prime's mark. Redcrest snarled and grabbed her scythe and teleported away and the symbol glowed a bright blue before fading away.
I loop my hammer onto my hip and was grinning like there was no one who could stop me. That is until I turned around to see all of the blasters of the Autobots and Decepticons, besides Optimus trained, on me. I raised my servos backing up. "Easy I mean you all no harm." I reasoned.
Optimus stepped forwards to speak. " That does not clear the fact that a Shadow assassin called you sister. They have been known for being enemies of the Primes. And yet you claim to be a follower of Primus. "
"As true as that maybe I am a sister of her but Redcrest is not a sister mine. We are related yes but in truth she is not a sister that I respect not trust. My brothers are those I trust the most." I paused gazing at him fully. The Matrix hummed softly to me. "I can tell you are a Prime if I am correct. I sense the Matrix's calming song emanating from you."
I smirked as they all got a little flustered after all I am talking about his spark mostly and that's a very uncomfortable thing for cybertronians to talk about. The femme also seem amused by the mechs reaction even if she too was flustered. "Um Prime she did a basic thing most femmes do when they have nothing else to talk about to ease tension." She said putting her blasters away.
I laughed as the mechs got even more flustered especially the younger ones. Their faces had horror and they were redder than the others. "I'm sorry if I, haha, unsettled you with that statement. But I'm not the best talker in these situations. Mostly my elder brothers or at least those who don't make a mess of things speak to clear things up." I explained.
The mech finally regained their composer. Optimus was still flustered from being the one to be talked about. "It is alright. If I heard correctly you name is Solar correct?"
"You heard correct but it's more of a nickname rather than my real one." I riddled seeing their confused faceplates. Optimus had the funniest one I've seen so I face palmed myself. "Okay you didn't get that hint. I am a creation of Unicron but I'm considered the daughter of Primus." I hoped that riddle was easier but they were still confused. "By the Allspark did my brothers tell you nothing about me. Optimus Prime, I am considered one of your ancestors for crying out loud. If the Matrix ain't telling you that then it finds this funny."  I growled.
Now they all look at the young prime, well at least tome he's young. "I sorry but the Primes that proceeded me have not share with me the fact of who you are or that you are a Shadow Assassin." He explained.
"Okay three word and that's all I'm gonna say before I lose my cool. Only femme Prime. Did that fragging help?!?" My wits were frayed because I had expected Optimus to recognize me. Then I realize I looked different so my hair grew and my frontal armor came back to its place.
I saw their optics widen. "Solus Prime." They breathed before kneeling down.
Even Optimus bowed. "I am sorry Lady Solus for not realizing that it was you."
"Don't bow!" I yelled because I felt very awkward when happen. "Please just don't. I am not your superior. Especially to you Optimus. I may be older but we share the same rank. And to be honest I believe you are my leader right now for I don't no what really going on except that Redcrest tried to kill you. My question is why she would be drawn to this planet even if you weren't on it." That greatly puzzled me.
"It could be because of what makes up the core of this planet." Optimus imputed.
"Oh and what's in the world's core?" I was genially curious about it.
"Unicron is this planets core." Optimus did that quick and simple. I stared at the ground before nearly freaking out.
"What do you mean he the fragging core!?! " I tried to get air born but realized it fruitless with only one thruster.
"Lady Solus calm down he is asleep for now because Optimus used the Matrix on him." The femme reasoned and I calmed.
I sighed out a groan. "That just makes my sisters more determined."

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