Chapter Ten

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AN: Quick sorry to the bunch of you who had already read my previous update for chapter 9 ( kristine082701 , _42nd_coldplayer and anyone else that might have read it - I'M SORRY and THANK YOU for reading it in the first place!!!). This won't be an update for you, SORRY!!! I have decided to split the chapter so it is easier to read. I hope it helps the pacing of the story and makes it more pleasant to follow.

Thank you for reading!!!


Except for the twenty minutes they spent cuddling in bed after they woke up, their morning was a bit more rushed than they had anticipated.

By 7:30, Natalie had rung them up to confirm the van would be picking them up at 9, a bit after that, Chris' mum and sister arrived to help them get ready and they had thankfully taken care of breakfast while they brought their suitcases down to the hall, along with their suits and later went over the documents they needed.

"I have the rings and our Honeymoon things including your passport Chris," Jonny reminded him.

"Okay, honey."

Will had messaged them to see if they needed anything and so had Guy and Phil. The guys would be their witnesses to their wedding.

They really could not think of anyone more suitable than the friends who had grew up with them and been there through every stage of their relationship. The guys, in turn, had been chuffed when they had asked them.

At 8:59 two SUVs came to pick them up, one for them, the other one for part of his family. They loaded their luggage into the boot as they would go from the venue straight to their hotel, spend an extra night chilling there and then leave for Bora Bora the next day.

"That's, it," Chris said. "Do you have your suit right, love?"

"Yes, it's here."

"Great! So do we have everything?"

"I guess," Jonny lingered outside the vehicle.

"Oh my God!" he suddenly remembered, "the keyboard and the guitar and...."

"It's okay, love, Phil was taking care of that," Jon rubbed his back.

"Thanks God, so we have everything then."

"If you find you're missing something one of us can come and pick it up," his mum told him.

"Yes, there's plenty of time, relax!" his sister added.

"I know, I know!" Chris smiled.

"Shall we?" Jonny nodded to the van.

"Yes!" he grinned and hugged his mum first and then his sister, "See you at the venue."

"See you later, relax and enjoy you guys!"

"Of course, we will, thank you," he grabbed Jonny's hand and led him to the SUV.

"Thank you for all your help. See you later," his fiancé waved to his family and then climbed after him.

"To our wedding please!" Chris excitedly asked the chauffer after the first greetings.

The man laughed, "Right away, sir!" he said and they drove off to Berkshire, hearts fluttering and brimming with anticipation and enthusiasm.


Chris peeked through the window from his room in the second floor, his mouth felt suddenly dry. Guests had arrived and, most of them, had already taken their seats as they animatedly chatted while they waited for the ceremony to start.

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