Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hello again!!! I really want to thank you for still being there! You have no idea what it means to me that you guys are still reading this story. It's sadly coming to an end, only one more long-ish chapter after this one and a short epilogue and it's done. For now, I leave you with Chapter Eight. Please let me know what you think of it and don't hesitate to drop any questions if you have them, they'll be welcomed! I hope you enjoy it and again thanks for reading!


Their chat by the window, Jonny's unlimited support and care, the lovely tea and the sweet treats had had a calming effect on Chris and his stress level had reduced considerably. Of course, his mouth twitched whenever they received another apologetic e-mail from the venues telling them what they already expected by now, but he did not let the news crush him.

Something will come up, Jonny kept saying.

By the time Guy, who had ghosted everyone as if they were a horrible date from Tinder because he had travelled to spend Christmas in France with his fiancée, called to congratulate them on their engagement, Chris' cheekiness and perky attitude had returned.

"Guy? Guy who?"

"Don't be an ass!"

"I had a friend called Guy but he never replied to the Christmas messages I sent or the questions bugging him about technical stuff or the nice cottage he was staying in, are you him?"

"You're such a twat sometimes, Chris!!" the man laughed. "I did send a text after you guys sent us the picture of your engagement, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but it was just one tiny line and that was it."

"Well, that's why I'm calling you now, aren't I?"


"Yes, I know I didn't before but I wanted to tell you and Jonny how glad I am for you two. Congratulations mate, you really deserve it!" his band mate told him.

Chris smiled, "Thanks Guy."

"So when's the big day, eh?"

"Well, ideally we wanted to get married by the beginning of May, just after returning from Latin America."

"Oh, in a hurry, huh?"

"Well, yeah," he giggled.

"Don't tell me Jonny knocked you up?" he joked.

"Oh, did you... don't tell anyone, please Guy!!" he followed through.

"Oh, come on!"

"You'll be the Godfather if you keep it quiet for a while."

"You're disturbed, did you know that?"

"Yep, pretty much."

"So what's the problem, then?"

"Oh, yeah...well, the thing is there aren't any nice venues available...everything's been booked months and even fucking years in advance," he explained a bit subdued.

"Oh, that sucks..."

"Yeah, I mean, we could just get married at the registry office, you know, we really don't want a lavish ceremony, but we wanted you guys and your wives to be there and our families too, you know."

"I understand, man."

"Jonny has been e-mailing a lot of hotels but they are booked and I've called other places and they just cannot accommodate us until at least November and even then it would be probably a weekday where no one would be able to attend."

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