Chapter 1

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                                                                            Chapter 1

"Make a wish Cathrin," said my mother, Molly. It was my birthday, October 23, I was turning 14. I looked at my cake and drew in a big breath and thought I wish that I didn't have wings. yeah I know what your thinking, having wings would be so cool, but its not. my parents think I'm a freak. I've had wings ever since my 12th birthday. I just woke up with them one day and I've been home schooled schooled ever since. I miss being around people. Heck, I'm hardly let out of the house. my life totally sucks. But hey, my parents are just looking out for me..... I think.

 I blew out the candles on my cake and looked up at my smiling parents. I tried to smile back but I only managed a grimace.  The rest of the evening passed without a problem. I tried to look back at the year of 2015 and find something to smile about. Not a thing.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed mom," I said. I yawned for effect. I looked down at the ground and turned around. I heard my mom sigh as she saw my pure white wings. I tried to move them closer to my body. Why can't they except I have wings, I thought. The white walls seemed to close in on me as I made my way to the stairs. My hand touched the Bannister and dad put his hand on my shoulder. I flinched and put my head down. 

"We need to talk Cathrin," my dad said. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I opened my bed room door and sat on my bed.

" Cathrin I know it's hard for you. To have wings, but its not a curse, its an amazing gift. your mutant, you should be proud," said my father. I looked at him and a tear escaped my blue eye.

"It's easy for you to say, you never had to deal with everyone calling you a freak or a monster," I yelled as I started crying. I remembered the time I had sunk over to my friend Michell's house. I had gone in through the window and showed her my wings. She had called me a freak of nature. A horrible monster, and many other things. 

I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my arms. Dad sat on my bed. he reached his arm around me and touched my wings. he rubbed where the feathers met my back. It felt like heven. He ran his hand along my wing and hit a nerve. My wing quivered and he took his hand off. My wing instantly released.

"Why are you afraid of us Cathrin?"asked my dad. He rubbed my arm and I thought about it.

"Ever since I got my wings, mom dosn't want to get near me and I always feel like something is going to hurt me," I said starting to shake.

"Cathrin, you know we wont hurt you," said my dad. A loud shot rang out and something hit my wing.

"But we will,"  said a bulky Brunette in my doorway. My dad was staring at the bright crimson blood running down my feathers. The pain hit me and I fell toward my dad. My blond hair was stained red at the bottom. My breath came in short gasps and my skin turned pale. The Man walked closer and I started shaking. He was in a black tux with dark sun glasses.

"Who are you people?" asked my dad.

"I'm from the M.R.D. or Mutant Response Division," he stated simply.

"Why are you here?" my dad asked.

"hmmm... I thought I made that quite clear. We want the girl," the man sneered. My mom walked onto my room and froze. She started shaking her head and ran toward us.

"Cathrin!" she yelled. A second Hulk pulled her away and held her in the hall.

"Wh-what are y-you going t-to do with me," I stuttered. My dad ran his fingers through my hair.

"I can't really do anything to you if you don't fight back. But who knows what my boss will do to you," he snickered.

"Yeah nice way to make her come quietly," said the guy holding my mother. I closed my eyes and foucust on breathing. The man came over to me and picked me up more gently than expected. He carried me bridal style into the hall. He was surprisingly careful with my wings as he carries me downstairs.My parents followed with the goliath behind them.

"I'll..uh...let you say goodbye and then she has to come with us," he said quietly as he placed me on the couch. My dad rushed up to me. I mustured up enough strength to sit up. Blood from my wing was dripping onto the couch but no one seemed to mind. 

"Cathrin I want you to remember these words, Mutant and Proud," he said hugging me. I hugged him back.

"I love you dad," I said.

"I love you too," he replied. Mom turned away and stared at the floor.

"Alrighty then time to go," said the brunette. I stood up shakely and followd him out the door. I was too weak to argure as they pushed me into the black hummer-limo on our driveway. The car started and I took one last look at the house I grew up in as the car turned the corner.

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