Let me see you again

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"This is bad, bad bad bad." Levy chanted to herself as she sat thinking in the middle of her bed. She was way too sexually attracted to Gajeel. Everything was too much. Just thinking about his strong hands and cocky smile made her tingle, and she had just barely met him. She was terrified of getting too attached, if he left her, she'd be devastated. "Sex is off limits, no excuses... But he's so sexy, I mean just think about his large arms and broad chest and-" Levy growled at her self, planting her face firmly into the silk comforter covering her bed. "I think I might have to avoid him for a little bit, or else I'll lose this inner struggle." She stated to herself. Nodding to the empty room in agreement she got up and strode to her bookcase searching each binding. Sighing after recognizing each of them, she's read them all at least two times. "Well today is a good day to shop for new books" Levy declared as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. Walking through town quietly, she observed her surroundings. After spotting a bakery she decided to stop by on her way back home. She finally strode into the book store, and began her search for a new book. Levy didn't want a romance novel seeing it would probably get her thinking about him. She looked around for a couple of minutes, considering the perfect genre for her situation. Maybe horror? Maybe adventure? Mystery? Horror would be good, it would keep her mind Gajeel. Levy picked up a cookbook and the creepiest horror book she could get her hands on. Like she had decided before, she stopped by Magnolia's local bakery which sold baking supplies, and picked up all the ingredients she needed. On her way home Gajeel called her, in which she ignored knowingly, and slightly guiltily.
Gajeel had been trying to get ahold of Levy for quite some time. Perhaps she was really busy but it doesn't sound like her to not respond. He would leave it be for some time, considering she might be doing something extremely important for all he knew. While he waited he would get some errands done, finally. PantherLily was out of town, and wasn't going to be home for the next few days, so no company for him. Dishes. Gajeel had scrubbed each dish so thoroughly, to where a plate alone took ten minutes. Of course this was with him periodically checking his phone for any news. And of course there was none. After finishing the once full sink, he proceeded to his laundry. Instead of being a normal person, Gajeel decided to pass some time by hand washing, every single piece of dirty clothing. An hour and a half later he was finished, pruned fingers and all. Still his phone was free of notifications. Sighing he plopped down on to his couch, and even slipped into a peaceful nap. Little did he know he would be later awoken by the very person he's been so eager to talk to.
Levy had returned home and began to cook, with new excitement. Humming as she busted about the kitchen cheerfully, she began her baking preparations. Deserts were delicious, maybe after she was done *coughcough* avoiding Gajeel, she would bring some to him. As an apology gift perhaps. Brownies? Cupcakes? Definitely brownies. She began mixing the batter, humming loudly in her rather empty home. This was a wonderful way to pass time.
~Time Skip - 1 1/2 hours later~
With her baking complete she began reading the horror book she had gotten at the library earlier that day. Only a chapter in and its contents are much more eerie than she had expected, making her already slightly uncomfortable. Even so she kept reading out of curiosity as the plot thickened greatly. Now almost half way through, she was throughly disturbed and paranoid. She quickly reached for her phone and dialed the first number that came to mind. After a couple of rings they picked up, "Levy?" Questioned a gruff voice. "Gajeel come here, now. I need you." After Levy said this she quickly hung up, leaving the man very lost and confused. There she waited, knees pulled to her chest, eyes wide and fearful. Her body jumped when a pounding resounded from her front door. "Come in" she called wearily, half terrified it wasn't Gajeel on the other side of that door.
Gajeel quietly opened Levy's front door, worried on what he was going to find. What he did was definitely not what he was expected but just as worrying. Every single light was on, not one was missing. This unsettled him a bit seeing it was not normal for a house with only one person living there. "Levy?" He called out carefully. "Over here" she called shakily from what seemed to be a bedroom. As he made his way over to her, he was quite shocked at the scene. This room was much worse than the others. Every lamp and small light was on as well as the main. The closet door was wide open, it's light illuminating it as well. Worst of all were the multiple flash lights place under her bed and dressers. "Levy, baby what's wrong?" Gajeel inquired soothingly. "Um.." She blushed as she paused. "I was kinda reading a horror book and got, a little freaked out." She stated sheepishly. "A little?" He retorted with a chuckle. Luckily on his way over he had turned out all the other lights in the house. He began turning off all the lights in her room while gauging her reactions. She seemed alarmed at first but relaxed as her looked at her reassuringly. Soon all the lights were out and he began to climb into bed with her. Gajeel pulled her slowly to the warmth of his chest. Stroking her blue strands soothingly. "Shh, it's alright, I'm here now." He states from above her. He feels Levy physically relax greatly in his arms. "Sorry" she whispered into his shirt. "That whole thing was super ridiculous." She apologized. Gajeel just shook his head in response. There was no need for her to apologize. "Do you have any explanation for ignoring me?" He questions curiously. Levy just buries her face deeper into his chest. "No but a baked you brownies" she replied, although it only came out inaudible due to her position. "What was that" he inquired playfully. "I baked you brownies!" She exclaimed into his chest. He chuckled and she could feel it from where she currently was. Such a calming sound at a much needed time. Soon enough Levy finally fell into a peaceful slumber, all worry and paranoia chased away by big ol' Gajeel. Her knight in shining armor.
SORRY!!! It's been forever and this is really cheesy but it needed to happen. Even when it's been so long it's a bit crappy I still hope y'all enjoy the update! - Cat

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