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Hey guys! Sorry I've been at a reunion so I haven't been able to write, so to make it up to y'all here's a long chapter!! Thanks for the support lovelies!! - Cat
Gajeel had gotten up quite early, compared to his usual one o'clock waking. It was seven in the morning a Gajeel couldn't sleep another minute, his heart sped with anticipation. He wanted, rather needed to ask Levy on another "date". Her company was intoxicating, he could stay with her for hours on end. Her sweet smile and endless hazel eyes, were practically heavenly. Everything about her seemed to be perfect. Even her size, her petite form was both adorable and incredibly sexy in his eyes. Gajeel sighed, his attraction towards her was unnatural, almost unsettling. Pushing off of his large bed, he headed down stairs to get some breakfast. Gajeel groaned looking at his practically empty fridge. "Yay! Shopping" he said with fake enthusiasm, while walking back to his room to get dressed. Only putting on sweats, he didn't care, it was just the store.
Awake at six am...again. Levy rubbed her eyes, clearing the fogged and sleepy vision she was greeted with every morning. Growling slightly, she kicked her comforter off her small body. Swinging her legs over the edge of her bed, she got up and picked a random book out of her diverse "library". Flipping it open to the first chapter. Although she's read this book several times, she could give it another go. Levy began skimming the page as she walked down the stairs and into her kitchen. The book was a wonderfully written romance, and uniquely was made without a title. She jumped onto one of the counters in her small kitchen and continued to read. After about an hour, Levy closed the book, finishing it easily. The story line brought her thoughts straight to Gajeel. His soul piercing, and fiery red eyes. Each and every one of his metal, stud, piercings. Even just thinking about him gave her goosebumps, and caused her cheeks to flare up.
Sighing, she jumped off the counter and over to the fridge. Opening it, only to find that she was out of almost everything! "How'd this happen?" She questioned herself. "Reading too much probably, oh well. I need a couple things from the store anyways" she stated, walking back to her room and throwing on a wrinkled and barely acceptable outfit. She looked similar to a homeless woman, but it was just the store right?
Gajeel had made it to the store just a few minutes before Levy. He headed to the dairy aisle, milk and cheese being the first things on his mental list. An actually written out list was for "women", at least that's what he thought. Sadly this made him quite forgetful and often forgot many important groceries.
Levy walked into the city's supermarket, earning a couple stares from the people around her, seeing what she was wearing and all. Though, she couldn't care less what people thought, she still blushed slightly. Her practically broken flip flops clacked loudly on the floor as she made her way to the electronics section. Levy had broken her charger this morning when she tripped, while getting dressed. You could count on Levy to be this clumsy. She grumpily picked out the correct charger and set it into her cart.
Gajeel had gotten his milk and cheese and was on his way to the produce section, he needed to get some kiwi for Panther lily, and other fruits and vegetables. After reaching his destination, he bagged up plenty of kiwis, apples, strawberries, oranges, and finally a large watermelon. Only grabbing a couple vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, celery, and spinach.
    Levy quickly weaved through the store picking up several items including chips, pancake and waffle mix, eggs, milk, cheese, and much more. Gajeel had gotten eggs when he got milk and cheese, so now all he needed was some cereal.
He headed that way just as Levy came into the produce section. She quickly and skillfully bagged up everything she needed. And headed to the cereal aisle, she was going for a simple breakfast this morning and that's all she needed. She skipped all the way there, moving quickly due to the rolling cart. Gajeel had just made it there and was scanning the cereals there when Levy quickly turned the corner at the other end.
She squealed slightly after she spotted his tall form and long, black hair. She turned around and looked at the items on the shelf, her face hot with embarrassment. "Please don't see me.." Levy pleaded in her mind. With the odds stacked against her, her request was not granted.
Gajeel turned his head, seeing the small woman at the end, smiling widely as he looked her over. Chuckling at her outfit, which was much too big for her. Dragging his cart behind him, Gajeel made his way over to her. He stopped short a couple feet, leaving his cart there and sneaking up behind her. Leaning over he whispered "Good morning, Levy". In return Levy shuddered slightly, she had felt his presence even before he said anything.
    She turned around slowly with a smile on her face. "Hey. I didn't know you were here!" She told him, as her eyes roamed over him, he was wearing large sweat pants and a tighter work out shirt which showed off his muscular arms, chest, and abs. His hands were comfortably in his pockets, and the smile on his face was awfully smug when Levy's eyes finally made their way back to his own. She blushed furiously, she was caught checking him out.
Gajeel chuckled, "don't worry, I did the same thing when I saw you in your oversized get up" he confessed as he tugged on her big shirt. Levy's stomach flipped, "if only he'd tug my shirt off instead." She thought to herself, her eyes widened shortly after. "LEVY!!" She scolded herself. Gajeel waved his hand in front of her face. "Levy? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost" he stated.
She shook her head slightly, grabbing a box of cereal off the shelf. "Just thinking" she giggled out, as she set the box in her cart. "I see, hey Levy..." Gajeel paused mid question, suddenly becoming nervous. "Yes?" She questioned studying the uncomfortable look on his handsome face. "Um-" he stumbled, scratching his head" " I was wondering if-" he began but was interrupted by the small woman's firm voice. "Yes." Levy said, pausing before she continued. "Whatever you're asking me, the answer is yes."
Gajeel grinned, as he walked slowly away. "I'll pick you up at eight." He called as he turned the corner. She blushed and looked down at her feet, finally realizing her attire. "Oh my lucifer! I was in this train wreck this whole time!?" She screamed in her mind, face palming with her embarrassment. Groaning slightly she went to check out, sadly Gajeel had already been through the lines and was no where to be seen. "See you at eight" Levy repeated to herself.
This was written on my phone on the car ride home, so I apologize for the different set up and any mistakes. Comment any reviews or requests! Thanks!! - Cat

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