Dinner with a vampire. Did I mention I'm vegetarian? (19)

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Dinner with a vampire. Did I mention I'm vegetarian? (Chapter 19)

Okay guys, I don't know how I did it, but here is the next chapter... already! Thank you to all my new fans, [and old ones of course =) Sanjana, Sianeve1, Pipix101, kTigaa1894, Rachloves2write, jemsparkle, SidneyArden, DarknessandLight being some of my oldest, hehe, not in a wrinkly way guys!]

And if you commented on the last chapter - you are A M A Z I N G, and get a virtual hug XD

Anyways... It is a little shorter than usual, but I wanted to write this as soon as possible, I am on a roll at the moment!

So... read, vote, comment... and most of all, ENJOY!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMA0wj4lcV8 (In Pieces by Linkin Park)

HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxFvdunfv-4" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxFvdunfv-4 (Lacrymosa by Evanescence)

I lay splayed out on my bed, staring at the ceiling, beyond crying now.

I had cried too many tears already for vampires.

Lumps formed in my throat, and every sob threatened to break through, but I kept my silent vigil.

Homesickness overtook me, and I wanted to cry... so much. But I refused to give into temptation.

I could not cry!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I leant up against the banister of the balcony, looking over the picturesque grounds. The tress swayed gently in the breeze, and in the distance, a few birds flew high into the sky, squawking, scared by something. They flew north, away from here, towards the wide-open expanse of the North Sea, which I knew was not far over the horizon.

I closed my eyes, listening to the non-existent twitters of birds who knew to stay far away from here. Most creatures did.

This place was devoid of life. Of living, breathing creatures.

Instead, it was full of those whose hearts were dead, whose blood did not move. Full of those that should be dead, according to every law of nature, but somehow still managed to survive.

I sighed.

Another day gone, another day wasted. This was just my life. Repeated negotiations, talks, meetings, hunting, killing, meetings, dances, meetings, sex, and meetings.

Was that all there was to my life?


The sun was fast disappearing below the horizon, and twilight was setting in. The sky was a lilac shade, the clouds a violet colour. The air was bitterly cold for August, but I barely noticed it - it was far warmer than I ever would be.

The one thing I despised the most had consumed my life.


I smacked the stone railings in frustration. Why? Why did my mother have to go and get herself killed?

Why did she always have to try to make things better, when they were just fine?


Those questions buzzed around my head, tormenting me. I had thought of every one a thousand times, but still no damned person had given me an answer. I punched the stone again, this time chipping a little chunk off.

"Shit," I cursed, brushing the chunk of the side of the balcony. I turned on my heel, and walked inside, slamming the door shut behind me. Stupid stone. I grabbed my guitar, and began quietly playing, but quickly gave up. It was no use. My mother's face filled my mind, and all I could hear was her beautiful laughter.

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