Dinner with a vampire. Did I mention I'm vegetarian? (14)

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Dinner with a vampire. Did I mention I'm vegetarian? (Chapter 14)

"A son is an extension of the father - he see's him as his future, the flesh he shall forever live on in..."

Sorry it is quite a short one guys, but I wanted to get it uploaded tonight, before I forgot all the ideas =)

And it was quite a good place to end it! Thank you to everyone for commenting, voting and fanning? =S Keep it up, its almost as good as writing itself =D

So, enjoy!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyLx0qc_gKc (Map of the Problematique by Muse)

HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-264VgAdn8" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-264VgAdn8 (Who knew? By Pink)

HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhjsFWPXG2o" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhjsFWPXG2o (Ignorance by Paramore)


Her voice echoed around the room, and my eyes snapped up. I met Fabian's cold gaze, and both our mouths fell open.

Her sister was not dead.

That meant...

I fled from the room, snatching the phone from her hands, stopping only long enough to meet her tear stained eyes.

Without another word, I flitted back to the living room, and held the phone up to my ear.

"Prince Kaspar, so nice to talk to you again. I trust you are keeping well?"

Michael Lee's voice sneered down the phone. My lips rolled back over my gums. Mortal bastard.

"Cut the crap human, down to business. We have your daughter, you know that." I hissed back, blood boiling.

I didn't hate this guy, I loathed him.

"Of course I know that bloodsucker, otherwise I would have sent a full scale search party out by now. Now why don't you just put your father on, and we can discuss business. A son should not be doing his father's dirty work," he said, his voice losing its cool edge.

"Any business of my father's is mine too. So you can deal with me. Do you have a problem with that?" I questioned, my words venomous.

"Of course not, 'Your Highness.'" He used the same mocking tone as Violet, I thought. But I ignored his comment, and carried on.

"Okay, here's the deal. Your daughter will remain here as hostage of the Vamperic Kingdom, until she consents to be turned. End of." It was clean cut, simple yet effective blackmail.

I could almost hear the human's mind ticking away, evaluating the situation, choosing his next set of poisonous words.

"Oh, I don't think that is possible. You see, I have contacts with some of the best hunter-trackers and slayers there are. I think you may know one of them. Jean-Pierre? I am quite sure you know him," his stupid arrogant voice was twisted with amusement.


Yeah, I knew him alright.

"Oh, and I do believe you killed his son a few weeks back, in a certain incident in London? Trafalgar Square was it? Well, as you can imagine, he is not happy. I'm sure he could manage the murder of another one of your family members." Lee said.

My blood boiled, and anger gushed through my veins. Nobody said that.

"You know full well that a human can not set a foot upon these grounds. Even a slayer. So don't bother trying. And in case you haven't noticed, we have not broken any of the ridiculous rules you enforce upon us. But you have broken ours a thousand times, so we are perfectly within our rights to do as we please!"

Silence down the line.

The whole room was staring at me intently, listening, waiting for my next move. I felt their eyes on my back, my father's expectant gaze the most prominent.

Tick, tick went the human mind.

"Perhaps, but I will get her back Varn. Get her back human. We will attack when you least expect it, crushing you and your evil dominion! Your kind's unnatural ways! Everything! Leaving humanity safe at last!" He squawked, his voice becoming increasingly hoarse.

"I could say the same for humanity, but I don't. It is a shame, you know. There was a time when I thought our two species would have been able to live harmoniously, but you and your government seemed to have crushed all hope of that," I sighed, remembering. We had been so close... "Perhaps, one day, you will realize you are being spoon fed by the most evil of slayers. But until that day, I can only remind you of what we are, and what we can do."

"If you hurt her Varn, I'm warning you, if you take even one drop of her precious blood, I will have your kind hunted down until you are nothing more than extinct!!!" he threatened. But his words washed over me like the purest of mountain water.

I closed my eyes in painful remembrance. It hurt to think that the efforts were all in vain...

How we had been so close. And how now, all hopes and dreams of peace had been shattered by one family - and their spoon fed superiors. Shattered forever.


If only they all knew how very wrong they were.

Nothing is forever.


I looked up as soon as I heard footsteps in the hall. Kaspar was walking preoccupied towards me, his face world-weary.

"Your father wants to talk to you again." He handed me the phone.


"Violet, listen to me. I want you to tell me the truth, okay? Have they hurt you? Have they hurt you in any way? Tell me!" He demanded. I was so surprised at his abruptness, that I started back.

"Violet, have they taken any blood from you?"

I thought for a moment.

"No... No they haven't. I'm fine dad, really." I replied, scarcely believing the lies pouring from my mouth.

Kaspar started up, turning to stare at me in disbelief, his eyes full of puzzlement. I heard unrest in the other room, and knew they were listening to the lie as well.

"You just told a lie to your own father to defend a bunch of vampires?!? Hello, girly?" my sub-conscious voice exclaimed in disbelief. Haha, my voice of reason.

"Well, don't let them Violet. Don't take anything either, in case it is their blood - that will turn you. And listen to me Violet. Do not consent to becoming one of them, we will get you out of there before you ever have to do that. I am not having any of my daughters becoming some inferior parasite! You might have to wait though, Be patient! Do you hear me? Violet?" He said urgently.

"What do you mean, we?" I asked, confused.

This was all too much. I had only just got over the fact my sister wasn't dead. I couldn't process more stupidly confusing information.

"Violet, just promise me you won't turn. Do not give in to them. Ignore their power. Just promise me?" my father was coming as close to pleading as he could get, and for him, that was low.

I ran a clammy hand through my tangled hair. I felt a sort of doomed resignation, like I was signing my own execution papers or something. Instinct screamed at me not to promise anything.

"I... I promise."

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