Chapter One Can You say disfunctional? No? Well I can :)

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The name's Auggie. August Xavier Moriarty. I'm seventeen. I live with my four brothers Elijah, Alexander, Jason and Christofer. Xander's twenty four, Eli's twenty one, Jace and Christofer just turned sixteen like a week ago. They're my best friends. We've gone through everything together. Our mom died four years ago so Xander had to drop out of college and raise us. Oh, how not fun that was. Eli thought he was the biggest and baddest of them all. Didn't care who the fuck it was he hurt. Didn't show emotions 'cause "real men don't cry". So he was an asshole (still is if you ask me) and hated showing anything close to an emotion. He hated being told what to do. So this was chaotic. He'd come home drunk. Break anything in sight. He even punched Xander. Something you NEVER ever do! Xander beat the shit out of him. I mean we all have our own inner demons I guess. 

Xander has a problem with drugs. He almost ODed when he was like sixteen. He'd take anything he could get his hands on. Even my pills for ADHD. Mom thought he was gonna die. It was scary.

Eli likes to drink. A lot. To the point where he blacks out. He gets angry when he drinks. He's hit all of us at one point. Even though he can't remember and we don't bother to tell him. He even pushed Jace into a wall. 

My problem is more of lwell I'm deaf in one ear. I know sign langauge and wear a hearing aid. As time goes on the hearing in my left ear will slowly fade away.

With Criss well he doesn't like talking. At all. He only talks to us. No one else. After mom died he just stopped. No one knows why. He only talks to Jace, his twin. They're like unseprable. They call it a twin thing. We think it's a clone thing O.o

Jace is just Jace. He's ADHD like me. Couldn't shut up to save his life. He's funny. I guess. Super smart. Him and Criss are the only ones with the chance to go to college. He does have a bitch of a girl friend. He reminds me of a puppy and she's like a pit bull. A hungry pit bull. She cheats on him then he just forgives her! She kicks him when he's down and nothing! HE DOES NOTHING! It annoys us so much. But whatever. We can't force him to dump her. 

So anyways there's our drama. We've had a fucked up childhood. Dad left when the twins were born. I don't even remember him. But he used to hit my mom so I'm glad he's gone. We lived on the streets for a couple years. I was ten. It wasn't fun. My mom did everything to provide all what we needed. She was the best. Then she got cancer. It wasn't a total issue at first. I mean I didn't even know what cancer was really. We all thought she'd pull through.

She didn't. She had to quit her job while I stayed home and took care of her. Eli and Xander worked and Jace and Criss were at school. I was by her side til the day she died. I remember that day. I wanted to go hangout with friends so I had Criss watch her. When I came home Criss was in the corner crying. "Mommy died! She's dead!" He screamed over and over

Yeah that hurt. I practically killed my mom. "August!" I hear someone yell my name

I get yanked out of my thoughts. I sit in the main office of my school. I got in a fight....again. I look up to see my principle glaring at me. He hates me. I'm covered in tattoos and have snake bites. He's not gonna love me. I get up and walk over to his office. I'm here so much the people in here know my name by heart. I sit down. "What's up Doc?" I ask him as I sit back and put my feet up

"Feet off my desk August. I never did have the patience for Elijah or Alexander and I sure as hell do NOT have the patience for you." The chumby short sixty year old man barks his orders at me as if I were his bitch

I smell the smoke on him. He reminds me of a bull dog. I was just about to comment on his dog like features when Eli and Xander rush into the room. Xander still wearing his suit from working with arrogant asshole lawyer. He's like their side kick. Eli just works in a tattoo shop. They're both covered in them. Xander doesn't even need to wear a shirt. He wouldn't show skin. I lost count of all his tattoos after sixty. They sit down beside me. Xander examines my now black swallon left eye.  "What'd he do now?" Xander asks Principle Rick Wilson ashamed 

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