III. Conspiracy against me

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III. Conspiracy against me


"BUT before I help you, help me first." Samantha said excitedly. She's always been like that. I mean the 'help-me-first-before-I-help-you' quote. You see, I am asking her for a favor on how to get rid of Zack. I am this depressed about my love life; she told me that I should forget about him and start a new life. Why would I? In fact, I love him so much, so much to the point that I cannot afford to lose him. But, now? I hate him so much... I wanted to punch him hard on the face so that he'll realize his loss. I wanted to slap him 180 degrees to wake up from his dream and get back to me...Wait—Jade, are you nuts?

I decided to take her advice since she's an expert when it comes to this: Move on and start a new life. But how can I start a new life without a help from her? She said I'll help her first. Its okay, it's just like we're working as a team—partners I mean. She's my best friend, my better half, my twin, you know.

"It's okay," I said, "What is it?"

Her eyes twinkled and blushed like she's in love, "Help me with Girard." she said enthusiastically. I know her; she's in love with the 'Girard' man. I'm sure that it's a bad boy type-but-pretty-boy.

We're odd when it comes to boys. I'm into a pretty boy but gentleman, or a man who's willing to be with me—a man with sweet bone somehow...But she—yah, I've said it—likes gangsters.

She explained me everything and I will be their 'cupid.' But I don't have to wear costumes, it looks like stupid. I'll be their cupid in some other way.

I am standing at the school’s gate and waiting since forever. My legs were already sucked by mosquitoes. It's 5:45 on the clock and it's getting dark. 'Where in the world is he?' I asked myself. You see, I don't know him. I just know him by the name 'Girard'. Sam told me that he's always with a gang of pretty boys, and rarely he's with his self. How difficult is that?! I shouldn't have taken Sam's favor since I am the one who's asking her for a favor instead!

Ugh Samantha, you're too clever.

Five more minutes and I'll be going home.

"Hahaha! Nice game. We'll do it in some other time again!—"

"—Yeah! They look like losers. Boo!—"

"—Where's my money? I'm the best player ah!—"

"—Chill. 1000Php. Here it is!"

I follow the sound of a group of boys. I guess. Girard is there I can feel it!

I turned around; they are all good looking ah—but they're definitely not my type.

They separated ways; I can see that somebody's going at my direction. So I approached him, "Hi!"

He passed by at me and walked like a boss. "Hi!" I approached him again, and again, he just walked like he didn't hear a thing.

"HELLO!" This time I got irritated so I just shout with all my strength. He slowly budges his head to the left, and then to the right, then walks again. Ugh, is he deaf or has a hearing deficiency? One more tries and I'll really quit calling him. I look like a stupid here.


I turned around and were about to go home when he spoke, "Me?"

I sighed in relief. So it's true, eh? I faced him, "Yes, YOU!"

I got stunned.

It's you! I mean, the cute guy, eh? I hope you remember me too. But I'll just stick with Samantha's UGH-ing favor instead. "May I know your name?"

"Why would I tell you?!" you asked annoyed. Wait, you don't remember me huh? "Wait, do you know me in the first place to call me by that manner!?" you pushed me hard that I almost fell on the ground, "huh?!—"

"—No!" It hurts.

You grabbed my collar to stood me up, "YOU DON'T KNOW ME?!?" I shook my head heavily. You forcefully cupped my face—which caused a tear to form. I am not scared. I know that you're kind. Of course, we've met each other before.

I faced you— you're so handsome even though you look like you took a bath with your own sweat— which caused you to release your grasp on me. Your small brown eyes widened, your cheeks even blushed. You scratched the back of your head, and bowed like apologizing, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you were just a shit—ah, somebody."

See people? He's not that bad. In fact, he's cute! He's like a boy. "It's okay." I smiled; you looked at me shyly...then smiled.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Did I scare you?" You asked. "Does your cheek hurt?"

"Uh. A little."  I looked on the ground and budge my foot to trace some invisible shapes. I looked at you, "But don't worry! It was just a pinch." I smiled, "I am not scared." I smiled shyly...

"Really?" You said and looked at me suspiciously—why do you always know when someone's not telling the truth? — I looked away. Well, maybe a little.

"A bit." I bit my lower lip and looked on the ground. Seriously, YOU WERE DANG SCARY!! I thought you'll kill me. But I really felt relieved when you recognized me. I smiled, "Yah, its okay." you smiled back at me.

Back then, in this situation, I hoped that you're always like that— not your gangster side ah—I mean your good side. How I missed our pretty fights, your shouts, and your signature gangster-smirk. But, where are you? I miss you.

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