I. I don't break even

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 I don't break even 


I closed my eyes as I store in the memory of our love.

Suddenly, it felt like a Déjà vu.

It all started one day. It was quarter to five in the afternoon.

The clouds were already dark, leaves are falling, and trees are dancing, cold wind breezes— and it makes me shiver.

It was supposed to be a happy and unforgettable day. But it turned the Odd.

I was walking on the same place I am standing right now. I broke up with my boyfriend a while ago. Let me recall what happened earlier.

I was arriving and I am an hour late. It's my birthday today and we're going to celebrate it in his condo unit. Unfortunately, it's traffic outside—and he didn't bother calling me. So I just typed "I'm sorry because I'm—" but the driver pushed the brake that's why I accidentally clicked the 'send' button and my phone flew somewhere outside. It was supposed to be "I'm sorry because I'm late, I'm on my way."

I wore my favorite semi-formal yellow dress, with a black cardigan, and a black stiletto.

I click the doorbell for the nth time, but still, no one's opening the door.

"Where is he?" I whispered to myself. I click the doorbell again, and I got irritated that's why I entered it using my spare key.

"HE—llo..." No, what is this. I got stunned from what I am seeing now. It feels like I am carrying a 9 kilogram sack of rice. Instead of cakes, foods or other sweet stuffs...Bottles of alcoholic drinks were scattered on the floor. And he is half-naked... While kissing...with...another girl. My eyes were filled with angriness and sadness. Tears are starting to form and were about to fall when he stopped and stare at me like crazy drunk dude, "J-Jade?" He looked surprised. He took glance at me then to the girl, "Sh*t! I'm sorry! Please, let me explain!" He went gone near me until I stopped him.

"Explain for what?!" I am holding my tears and acts like a strong girl even if I am not, "For Pete's sake! I saw everything!"


"No, Please... Plea—"I slapped him—hard.

"No Zack. We're done. Now, go to your girl and enjoy the rest of your night." I walked out.

I sensed that he's following me so I just spoke one more time, "And please. Do not follow me. Goodbye." He didn't budge follow me anymore. I thought he'd beg to listen for his explanation, but I was wrong...Maybe...Maybe, he just wants his new girl now. Shitty people.

I don't know where am I going; all I know is that I am hurt and betrayed at the same time.

I just found myself walking on the street, crying all by myself. There were no one around and it's getting dark.

The clouds were already dark, leaves are falling, and trees are dancing, cold wind breezes—that makes me shiver.

Suddenly, it started to rain...

"What did I do?" I whispered in the rain. I am shaking and letting myself soak in the water.

"Excuse me, Miss. Maybe, you need this." I turn around to see the person who is offering me his hanky. I'm a bit shocked, or...What do you call this, Love at first sight? Nahhh. It is like I can't take off my eyes from his, him too.

He was tall, he has dark sparkling eyes, has a light skin complexion, and a smile that makes me feel 'Everything's going to be fine.' It's like that he is one of God's wonderful creations.

            I realize that we were staring for a minute under his umbrella, until I broke it off.

"It's no use..." I almost whisper those words but he heard it even if it's raining cats and dogs.

"Oh," he put his hanky back in his pocket, "What's the problem?" I glanced at him, his eyes are full of curiosity, "I mean, if you don't mind?" he is half-smiling and a little bit unsure If he'll get an answer so I told him everything—from the day we met, up to the day I caught him with someone else. Even the small details, name it.

I felt relieved after I stated my last line. I found him cute when he just listened carefully while patting my back like a boy would do. I felt comfortable in his presence, even though he's just a stranger that came out from nowhere. It feels like we're connected at each other... Eh? What did I say?! Anyway, it really felt like that.

You see, If Zack didn't cheat on me; I will never meet this guy. If Zack didn't cheat on me; I will never find my real happiness. If Zack didn't cheat on me; I will never find my true love just by the short period of time.

But unlike any other stories, some ended happily or with a kiss, or a like a fairytale. But ours is different. We ended up like a Summer Rain.


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