part 3

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I woke up to my phone ringing and the song firefly by ed sheeran blasting out of it. it was a beautiful sunny sunday morning, i'd forgote to shut my blinds the evening before so the light came blasting in. i rubbed my eyes, propped my self up with my left elbow and answered the phone.

"get up lazy im coming to pick you up in ten minuets"

"huuu" i said, i didn't understand what was happening as i was still half asleep.

"you over slept again, we've both got training in half an hour, come on get dressed i'll be over soon, you don't wanna be late". he hung up the phone, i put it down on my bed side table then sank into my pillow ready to fall off asleep again. i was already half way to falling asleep when what nathan had said sank in.

"SHIT" i said to my self and jumped out of bed like a flash. i picked up my team uniform and got dressed as fast as i could and tied my hair in a high poiny tail with a ribbon, my blond hair fell down to the bottom of my shoulder blades.i brushed it again and pinned my bangs up with a bobby pin. i bushed my teeth, cleaned my face and did my make up in double time.i packed my bag with everything i needed then ran down the stares just as a car beeped out side. i picked up two red apples from the fruit bowl in the living room by the tv. i flung my bag over one shoulder, tucked my shoes under my my arm and ran out to the car. nathan was waiting in a white t shirt and jeans. i opened the boot and popped my duffel bag in next to nathan's and got in the passenger seat.

"wow you we're ready, its a miracle" he laughed as i passed him a apple as i bit into mine.

"ha ha, come on move your but or we're gonna be late, i don't wanna run another three laps, im not to sure about you" i said with a mouthful of apple. i put my set belt on and we were off,with in fifteen minuets we were at the school, we pulled into the parking lot, everyone else was already there and probably in the changing room. we got our bags out of the boot and rand as fast as we could to the changing rooms.

"just in time nathan, becki, nearly had to run another three laps, you were lucky" Mr Chase the boys coach said. "get change sykes" he said and walked out, i followed the rest of the girl out on to the field. we warmed up and then jogged around the field twice, i ran with rachel, she was the head cheerleader, we ran ahead.

"you and clark arrived late then" she winked. every one called nathan, clark, i didn't really get why, something to do with superman and how good he was at football, i didn't use it, everyone else did though.

"yeah, slept in"i replied as we came to a halt.

"nothing more" i smirked

"nope haha, you wish"

"of every day girl, every day, i would love me a hunk-a-man like him, daze i would love him, your lucky your the closes he's ever got to a girl" she said looking him up and down as he ran past with the rest of the boys. we waited for the rest of the girls to catch up and then started on the routine. we had a game on Friday, before the party of course. the game was between of shore high, we were long beach high, it was the seconds game in the tournament, there would be fifteen all together. we also had a chear comp on Wednesday, we missed the hole day of school for that was good, it was the state championship and luckly it was help here in long beach, we had about a forty five minuet drive to get there.

"come on girls state is on Wednesday, we really need to clear this up, amy your back hand spring back tuck is nearly there, and we need to be quicker on the helicopter worked this time, good job becki, laura and beth"said rachel. i was a flyer, this meant i was the person that got thrown around, i really enjoyed it, it was really fun, even through it was probably the most dangerous position. training went on for another 3 hours, after we'd finished we all went to have a shower. we all ran into the changing rooms, i got my towel and headed with the other girls through the boys changing room to the showers. the annoying thing about the showers is you have to walk through the boys changing room to get to them, so when the boys came back, they would have had their showers and be half changing and you would have to walk through dodging all the boys trying to pull your towel off, not fun. everyone had their shower and i was wrapped my towel around me picked up the rest of my clothes from the floor and walked back through the boys changing room, i was the last of the girls to walk back.

"cover your selves boys" i shouted as i walked back in.they were all sitting there in either their boxers or a towel, i didn't mind if i being honest, it was a nice site.

"alright becki, got anything under that towel" brand winked as i walk past and he grabbed my waist, tugging at the bottom of my towel slightly.

"you wish" i said.

"in his dreams" dexter shouted from the other side of the changing room.

"back off guys" nath shouted and he made sure is towel wasn't going to fall down from around his waist.

"looks like clark want's it in his dreams too" brand said, still not letting go.

"guys seriously now" nathan said,his voice had a slight bit of anger in it, brand spun me around and kissed my cheak.

"dude" nathan said.

"just because you arn't gonna try doesn't mean im not" brand replied as i walked off, as i walked past the rest of the boys someone slapped my but, i span around, it was jake, he had a smirk on his face. i shook my head and ruffled his hair.

"in you dreams" i said walking out and going to get changed into some shorts and a pretty vest. i replied my make up and let my natural curly blond hair fall down past my shoulders to my waist.i packed my bag up and sat down, putting my shoes on.

"you coming we're all going to grab some food" said rachel, as i finished tying the laces on my converse. i stood up, grabbed my bag.

"sure yeah". i followed her out everyone else was waiting by the cars.

"you coming becki" said jack as he put his arm around my shoulder, i was just 5'2" , jake on the other hand was 6'4", he was massive, he slouched hugging me around the shoulders.

"yep" i replied giving him a hug, his tight mussel flexed around me and i felt his chin rest on the top of my head. i pulled away and made my way to nathan's car where he was leaning again in, surrounded by half the cheer team in a conversation he wasn't paying any attention to.

"hey" he said as i walked over and put my bag in the boot.

"ready to go" i said waiting for the crowed of girls to go so i could get in the car.

"yep, see you there ladies". he said winking and giving them a charming smile, they all swooned and then walked away. nathan opened the door for me as i got in. he shut it then walked round the other side and got in himself.

"you and jake look close" he said putting his seat belt on.

"not this again" i said fastening mine.

"i'm just wondering, and brad" he said starting the engine,with the engine pering he revised.

"there's nothing going on and brad is always like this, you know, we having training three times a week" i replied as we pulled out of the car park, he said nothing.

"awww is nath jealous". i said as i knew that would grab him attention.

"me jealous, look at me, i could get any girl i want, i could get you, that's if i wanted to"

"could you now"

"yep, but your not my type"

"so totally hot super preppy cheer leader isn't your type" i said in a high pitched voice, taking the mickey. you see nathan didn't date very often but when he did it was always the most popular girl in school and they were always a cheerleader.

"ha ha" he trailed off."seams like your Jake's type though" he said in a hushed tone.

"sure your not a tinny little bit jealous"

"nope, not a single little bit" he said tugging his ear making me smirk, we drove the rest of the way singing scouting for girls at the top of our lungs, i was horrific at singing, nathan on the other hand sang like a angel, he didn't believe me when i said it though, i said he should have sung in the summer talent show but he said he didn't want to damage his so called rep, all he cared about really was his rep, he called it the "handsome,clever,bad boy, heart breaker rep', i didn't see how he quite got to that conclusion but i went along with it.

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