part 1

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i woke up early on Saturday morning to the sun shinning brightly through my half open blinds. i stretched and flipped the covers on me, rubbing my crusty eyes as i did so. i flung my dressing gown on and plodded down the stares, still half asleep. 

"morning" i shouted walking into the kitchen and pulling up a chair to the table.

"morning" tom said, he was a family friend that may as well live in our house, he was never not there.

"when did you get here and why are you up so early, are you sick" i said making him chuckled.

"about half an hour ago, and no im not sick, just in a good mood"

"for you being in a good mood is a kind of sick"

"ha ha very funny" he said dishing up the food and bringing both plates over to the table.

"may i ask why your in such a good mood" i said tucking into my breakfast.

"mayyybbbeee, there is a slight possibility its got something to do with - that i may have a kinda date today"

"eeeepppppp, really!, with who, whats her name, what she look like, what does she do, how old is she-" he cut me off

"hold your horse's there becki don't go all stalker mode on me now"

"i just wanna know, you never date people, even when dasiy jones asked you out you said no"

"i know but she's different"

"ok keeping in on the down low now are we"

"yep and you wont get it out of me"

"then maybe i should ask max"

"you wouldn't dare"  he said as i reached for my phone, max was tom's best friend, they told each other everything but max was a dreadful liar, poor sod. 

"please don't i dont want the others knowing you know what they are like" 

"you have a point, but you have to tell me at some point or i will be forced to find out in my own way"

"deal, just dont tell jay or nath ok"

"deal" i said as i finished off my food. i understood why he didnt want them knowing, seeing as they would take the mickey out of him, like they always do. after i finished my food i went to get dressed, i was meeting nathan, like i always do. i put on my mid blue shorts and a light pink vest.i straightened my hair, what took an age considering my hair is normally a tangled mess, not helped by the fact that i toss and turn in my sleep, making it look like ive just been dragged through a hedge. i finally finished that and started on my make up. applying one coat of mascara after the next and so on with the rest of my routine until i was decent for human eyes. i flopped down on the my unmade bed next to my ginger tabby cat blot. i don't even know why we called her bold, i think it was jay's idea to be honest, we just went along with it. i stroked her, she pured loudly as i checked my text. i waited a couple minuets when i heard familiar sounding foot steps plodding up the stares. a few seconds later nathan opened the door, i got up giving him a massive hug.

"wow you did see me yesterday ya know" he said laughing as i let him out of my spin crushing hug. he sat down on the bed and began to stroke bolt.

"so what do you wanna do on this...lovely august day" he said, as it was raining out side we couldn't really do much. where we lived there wasn't much to do anyway and the rain didn't help this.

"well I'm guessing it has to be a movie day again"

"what a terrible shame, well have to watch movies, again, oh how oh how am i going to cope"

"alright Sargent sarcastic i get it you like movies, sometimes i think you've planned this weather just so we can do this."

"maybe i have, maybe i haven't, i do have my magical way you know" he said winking.

"yes coz your such that totally hot, super cute football player that i just - ya know can't get enough off"  nathan was the head of the football team, the American sweet heart, all rounded good student with straight A's, that everyone wanted. every boy wanted to be him and every girl want to be with him. me on the other hand, i had never seen it. i don't know why he was just never that appealing to me.

"did you just call me hot" he said smirking the famous smirk that makes half the school swoon.

"oh gosh your ego doesn't need another boost, you wont be able to fit through the doors, your having trouble as it is" i joked hitting him lightly on the head.

"watch it this is a valuable thing your abusing" 

"what do you mean valuable most of the brain is already gone" i laughed sitting down next to him.

"i swear, your a real meany sometimes"

"awww is little nath getting touchy feely" i said uncontrollable laughing.

"right you're for it you are now" he said getting the pillow of my bed and smacking me in the face full pelt with it. i screamed making bold jump and dash from the room. i had no other pillows in my room, so i ran as fast as i could down the stares, him close behind me.

"becki get back here right now" he shouted. i was finding it hard to run and laugh at the same time. tom was sitting down the the lounge, i ran, jumped and hid behind the sofa he was sitting on.

"i surrender, i surrender, don't hit me please" i said out of breath laughing as nathan came  to a halt in front of tom.

"wow whats going on here" tom said startled.

"nothing just some friendly banter" i said standing up.

"oh thats what your calling it now" nathan said laughing now as well.

"truse" i said getting up being the sofa.

"deal" nathan said as i clambered back the other said. 

"come on we need to chose a movie" he said giving me a nuggy, messing up my perfectly straightened locks.

"took me ages to do my hair"

"took me ages to do my face" he said poking his tongue out at me as we walled into the movie room ready for our movie day.

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