.:Competition pt.2:.

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.:Ruby's pov:.

"Okay, here is our contenders in the 8 and 9 division!" Said the anouncer as dancers were called up to preform. There were several that were amazing and I'm sure that Pearl can do better. I looked over to Garnet, she was so cute sitting there eating her bag of goldfish swaying with the music. I smiled and looked to Sapphire who was swaying aswell. She looked to me and smiled and I returned one. We sat for a while until the anouncer began to announce Pearl. "And now, put your hands together, for number 250 in the 8 and 9 group, Pearl with I Dreamed A Dream" we cheered as she cam onto the stage and began to preform.

She was AMAZING! We clapped and cheered. The dance was beautiful. She went of stage and her and Amethyst came a short while later still in their outfits. "Hey guys!" Amethyst said smiling and giving us hugs. Pearl was behind her giving us hugs and they sat with Garnet. "You both did amazing!" I said. They smiled "Thanks Auntie Ruby" Pearl said and Amethyst nodded stuffing her mouth with goldfish. "Yes you both did very well." Rose said smiling. We watched the older categories and they they went back up to the stage for the awards. The announcer went through the divisions then he got to Amethyst's age group. "...and in second place...." he said and Pearl and Amethyst held onto each other's hands. We all crossed out fingers. "...Audrey with I have a dream....congrats" we sigh and keep our fingers crossed and the anouncer began again "...and first place..." Amethyst and Pearl squeezed each other's hands. "...Amethyst with Werk!!.." he said. And we jumped up smiling and clapping and cheering as Amethyst let go of Pearl's hand and walked to the anouncer hiw gave her a huge trophy. She smiled holding it smiling from cheek to cheek. "Wooo!! Go Ame!!!" Shouted Garnet cuping her hands to make herself louder. I chuckled and we both began to 'woo' her. "Congratulations!!" He said as she went and sat with Pearl again and they hugged. "Congrats to our young winners...and now for the 8 and 9 division..." he announced 3rd and 2nd place and we crossed our fingers once again and Pearl and Amethyst squeezed each other's hands. "...in first place......pearl with I Dreamed A Dream!!" We jumped up once again. I whistled as she went and got her trophy. "WAY TO GO!" Sapphire yelled and we cheered and clapped. When it endded they came running to us in the lobby with these huge trophies. "Good job you two!" Said Greg giving them high hives. "Thanks Greg!" Said pearl already hugging Rose. Pearl and Amethyst never actually called them mom and dad but did see them as parents. We never knew why though. "Y'all were AWESOME!!" Garnet said throwing her hands in the air. "Thanks G!" Amethyst said smiling giving Garnet a high five. Garnet pulled Amethyst in for a hug and Pearl just smile. "Get in her Pearl!" Garnet said smiling. "Ah no, I'm go-" was all she could get before she got pulled into the group hug. She looked annoyed but then smiled and snuggled in. We stayed and hung out for a while until we went home. I was driving hone and Sapphire held my free hand. I look over to her and she smiles at me. "Ruby...I hope she is able to shine like Pearl and Amethyst..." She said. "Well...if she continues singging..." I look into the rear view mirror to see Garnet fast asleep and I smile. "...I know that will take her places..." I said as we pulled up to a red light. Sapphire looked at me and smiled. "Yeah...I hope so..." She says and we kiss. The light turned green and I broke our kiss and continued driving. The rest of the drive home was peaceful and quite. I took our sleeping daughter to her room and got her ready for bed. Once I had put Garnet down, I crawled into Sapphire and I's bed and snuggled with my lovely wife. I want Garnet to have the best, and that is what she is going to get.

Thanks for reading!! please vote and comment what you think. Luv y'all.

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