.:Baby Room:.

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.:Ruby's pov:.

Sapphire and I went shopping, mostly for baby clothes. "These are so cute! Ruby look at this." Said Sapphire holding a small velvet Christmas dress. I smiled and picked up a small light purple newborn onesie. It said '#tbh I'm too cute for this.' "Look at this one..." I said. "Aww I like that one." She said taking it and placing it in our cart. We had gotten a bunch of things for the baby room. We decided to paint the room light purple and have white furniture. For decor I'm going to make a white wooden tree to put just behind her crib with little birds painted around it. It was going to turn out cute. Once home we spent whole day working on the baby room. We had finnished around 9 with painting and putting up furniture. We had Garnet's crib set up and the changing station and the chair was still a work in progress. Both Sapphire and I stood in the doorway admiring our work. "It looks so cute!" Sapph said putting her hands together. I smiled and looked at her. She looked at me with a smile then I put my forehead to hers. She blushed a little "I can't wait for little Garnet to get here..." I said placing my hands on her stomach. I felt a small kick and I smiled. "..she can't wait either
.." She said pecking me on the nose. "I'm going to make dinner" I said. As we both he added down stairs. Sapphire went to the living room folding all of the baby clothes that we bought. I started cooking my mother's special dish, white cheese chicken enchiladas with jalapeño sauce. The only thing was that I didn't add much if the jalapeño since Sapphire was peggo. I was boiling the chicken to get the broth to use for the sause then I felt arms loop around my sholders and a belly pressing on my back. I glance behind me to see Sapphire with hungry eyes. "Hey babe..." I said "mmm...what'cha making?" She said looking at me with that beautiful blue eye, her bangs were coving her other. "Enchiladas, *mi amor..." I said. I could speak Spanish but I wasn't fluent enough to the point where it was super fast like my mom. "Ohh..Spanish..." sapphire said. I smiled. She was in one of her moods where a she wanted to do was make out and you know what... "I love it when you speack Spanish to me....say it again.." She said and by this point I put cooking to a pause but shutting off the stove. I turned so I was facing her and I put my hands on her hips. "Mi amor~" I said rolling my R more than it needed. "Ohhh..." She said as I attacked her neck and we went into a full make out session which lead to out room. I carried her up stairs and laid her on our bed. "Come here you..." She said bringing me on top of her. I felt uncomfortable because I kinda didn't want to crush our baby so I moved to the side of her kissing her and slowly trailing my hand down her body. You could probably guess what happened next. We both fell asleep and I couldn't sleep. I had my arm around sapphire and my other arm under my head. I started thinking about baby Garnet. I started thinking about what she would look like, how tall, what her eyes would look like, all the birthday parties and all her little friends, her going to school. I couldn't imagine it, there was so much to happen starting in just a month and a couple of weeks. Rose did say that she was going to take in a baby from inda soon, the baby wasn't born but once it was Rose and Greg were to give it a home. Since we lived in a small town we weren't that far from them. Maybe the other baby and Garnet would be friends...who knows...this is all going to happen soon and I couldn't wait.
*mi amor= My Love

I really hope you guys like this don't forget to vote and comment what you thought. I'm planning on publishing two chapters over Christmas break for the holidays. Look forward to it.

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