I am Yours and Your Mine

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I woked up and saw Micah still sleeping."Where are we?"I asked the driver."Oh...Where on our way to SHINee heaven sir"he replied. "Oh.."i said. "You didn't tell me you're an idol sir"He said."Huh?"I asked him confused."My daughter told me that you are Onew of SHINee"the taxi driver said."Hehehe~Sorry"I replied."That's ok sir...you have to hide your identity in order for your own good."He said."Ne,it's kinda hard actually because if we don't hide our identity then our fans will be all over us and it'll be hard to outrun them so we have to keep it as a secret"I replied."mmmm..."he replied. "Where is your daughter sir?"i asked him."Oh...She's infront and asleep"he replied."Aww...I want to invite her for our concert which will be held in a week."I said."Do you want me to wake her up sir?"He asked me."Aniyo,i know she's tired i will just do it in the cafe"i said. "Ok..."the taxi driver said.
After a long drive,we finally reached SHINee heaven cafe. "We're finally here"he said."Kamsamida"i replied as i handed him the payment."Aniyo"he replied."Buweyo?"I asked him."You don't need to pay me sir. Especially an idol such as yourself"the taxi driver said."Kamsamida"i replied. "Come on sir"he said."Ok...I will just follow inside"I replied."Ok.Wake up Lanna we are already here"he said as he waked up his daughter. Then both of them went inside. As for me,i stayed in the cab to wake Micah up."Micah wake up we're finally here"i said as i waked her up."Oh...We're finally here"She said as she rubbed her eyes.
"Ne"i replied as i opened up the car door and let Micah out first,*opens up door and lets her out first*. We then went inside the cafe. "Wow~Daebak"Micah said. "I'm glad you liked it"I said."Are you kidding?!i loved it!"Micah said excitedly. I did not replied instead i just smiled at her. I then dragged her to a round table and helps her up. I sat on the other side facing her. I called out to the waiter and ordered some drinks.
"How's your sleep Micah?"I asked her.
"It was great Oppa"She replied."That's wonderful Micah"I said. She did not reply instead she just smiled gently at me. "Oppa if you don't mind my asking, did you had a girlfriend before?"She asked me."Aniyo,i never had a girlfriend before"I replied."Buweyo?..With your wonderful personality and good looks and you'd never had a girlfriend before?"Micah asked me."Well,it's because i'm so busy with my schedule and i don't have any time for that"I replied."Oh...Are the girls not fussing all over you?"Micah asked me. "Well,yeah they are all fussing all over me but i just ignore them cause i'm so focus on my work"I replied. "Mmmm..So you never had a girlfriend before?"She asked me.
"Well,yeah"I replied."Oh..."Micah replied. "But that thing change when i met you. Because you are the one that caught my heart and i love you"I said to her. As Micah heard me,she just smiled at me. "How about you, have you ever had Boyfriend before?"I asked her."Aniyo,you are the first one"Micah replied."Ah..."I said. After an hour,our drinks and food came."Kamsamida"i said to the waiter and i payed him. We ate our dinner and at the same time talk. "Oppa do you think we are keeping our relationship a secret for too long"Micah began. "Well,maybe but if we reveal our relationship now the shawols will not be ready and they would be hurt. I don't want to hurt them."I replied."Oh...I guess you're right"Micah replied. "Don't worry Micah,i'm sure sooner or later we will announced that you are now my girlfriend it won't be long"I said as i held Micah's hand. She did not reply instead she just smile at me. After finishing our dinner,Micah stood up and went to the bathroom. As for me,i went to the taxi driver and his daughter who was sitted inches away from Micah and I. "Anneyosayo Lanna"I greeted her as she was eating her dinner. "Oppa!"she screamed."Oh my gosh!!i love you!!!"She freaked out. I did not reply instead i smiled sweetly at her."Kya!!"She screamed. "Kamsamida"i said to her. "Um...Can i take a selca with you Oppa?"Lanna asked me."Sure"I replied. Lanna tooked out her phone and we both taked a selca. *tooks out her phone then snapped*. "Kamsamida"Lanna said. "Yah~would you like to come to our concert as a vip?"I asked her."Really?"She said."Ne"i replied."Kamsamida"She thanked me.
"Can i have an authograph?"She asked me as she took out from her bag our album*tooks out our album*. So i signed the album.*signs album*. As i was signing the album,she noticed the ring on my finger. "Nice ring Oppa"she said. "Kamsa"i replied as i finished signing the album. Then i went back to the table and waited for Micah. After a couple of minutes,Micah went out of the restroom. "Mianhae for taking so long"Micah said."Shh~you don't need to apologized"i said. "Micah,come on i would like you to introduced to someone"I said to her as i dragged her towards the taxi driver's table.*Drags her to the table*."Sir what's your name?"I asked the taxi driver."Oh..Mianhae for not telling my name earlier,i'm Smithy but you can call me mr.Smith"He said as he introduced himself."Oh,Nice to meet you Mr.Smith"I said to him as i shaked his hands."This is Micah"i said as i introduced Her."Nice to meet you Miss Micah"he said as he shaked Micah's hand."Nice to meet you too"Micah said."Lanna this is Micah a fellow shawol"Mr.Smith said as he introduced Lanna to her. "Nice to meet you Micah"Lanna said. Micah did not reply instead she just smiled at Lanna."What brings you here?Aside from inviting my daughter to your concert?"Mr.Smith asked me.
"Well,actually the reason why i'm here is because i have to tell your daughter something aside from inviting her"I replied."sure go ahead"he replied. "But we have to leave this place because what i am about to say is very important and there's a lot of shawols here so let us go back to your cab and i will tell your daughter everything"I said as i took Micah's hand and both of us went out first followed by Mr.Smith and his daughter. All the four of us left the cafe and got in the cab."So what are you going to tell me oppa?"Lanna asked me."Ok..Listen to me carefully,i already have a girlfriend Lanna"I began."What?!"She said loudly."Yeah..."i said. "That can't be i know you have a girlfriend from Descendants of The Sun and i never expect the two of you to be real lovers."She said."Aniyo,i wasn't talking about my gf in the show,i'm talking about my gf in real life"I said.
"Huh?So you don't consider the girl in the show as your gf in real life?"Lanna asked me."Yep"I replied.
"Then who?"She asked me."You know the girl in the cafe that i introduced to you earlier"I said."You mean Micah?"She asked me."Ne"I replied."No!That can't be!"She said."well,it's true"I said as i pulled Micah into my arms."No your lying"she said."Aniyo,i'm not"I replied as i showed my ring on my finger."If she really is your gf then i want to show me her proof"She said."Ok...Micah show her the ring on your finger"I said to Micah. So she held her hand up and showed the ring on her finger."See the ring symbolizes that she is my girlfriend the same with the ring on my finger"I said to Lanna. She did not reply."Lanna please don't be mad."I said to her."Mad?,I'm not mad in fact i'm happy for you Oppa"She said."Really?"I asked her."Ne. Although when i heard that you already have a girlfriend my heart was hurt but i don't care as long as you are happy with Micah. I'm very happy for you again congratulations oppa"Lanna said. I did not reply instead i just smiled at her. Then all the four of us go on our seperate ways. Micah and I took a cab again. Inside, i was sitted with my arms wrapped around Micah. "Saranghe"I said to Micah as i kissed her lips. "Saranghe also Onew"she replied as she kissed me back. She then slept.
"Micah i'm yours and your mine". I whispered on her ears. Then i slept with Micah in the cab.

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