Mortal Enchantment Novel - Sneak Peak

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I wonder if I can get pizza in Avalon?

     My life was about to change in every conceivable way and I was thinking about my menu options. I rolled my eyes. It was time to get serious. Today was the big day. My last day in the mortal world for who knows how long. But most importantly, the last time I would see my mother. No matter how many times I begged, she refused to come with me. She insisted my dad needed time alone with me. Father/daughter bonding type stuff.

     But that was the deal they made even before I was born. I got to spend my childhood with my mother, then once I turned sixteen I'd move to Avalon to be with my father—the elemental king of the air court.

     As far as my friends were concerned I was moving to Paris. I bragged about how I'd be living in the most romantic city in the world, surrounded by cute European guys with sexy French accents. My throat tightened up each time they told me how jealous they were. They had no idea how miserable I felt lying to them. Or how I envied their freedom.

     But, it wasn't all bad.

     Moving to Avalon meant I could get to know my father. We had gotten close through his visits into my dreams, but it wasn't the same as actually having him in my physical life. Plus, and this was a big plus, I'd be a princess in the air court where Dad planned to teach me to control the air element and weather magic.

     A knock on my bedroom door startled me out of my thoughts.

     Mom stepped inside. Most days she wore lounge t-shirts and relaxed pants, but today, she had on a canary yellow sweater and skinny jeans. Sometimes I forgot how beautiful she is. Because of our red wavy hair and fair complexion, many people had mistaken us for sisters. I swear, the woman never aged. I watched as her green eyes roamed the room. "Kalin, you haven't packed a thing."

     Dad told me he would send additional knights to retrieve whatever I wanted, but what was the point? I doubted my collection of Pez dispensers or assorted sets of cartoon pajamas would be acceptable possessions of an elemental princess. "I wasn't sure what to bring. I mean, it's not like we've done much traveling."

     I regretted the words as soon as they came out. Judging by her face, I'd say they stung a little. It wasn't her fault we'd stayed in one place. Mom was always worried that I might be in danger. I never understood why, especially since we had always lived with my father's knights surrounding our house and following me everywhere I went. Knights who were annoying, never giving me any privacy.

     "Are you nervous?" she asked.

     "No." I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what to expect. Besides my father and his knights, I had never met another elemental. I worried if they would like me or if I would make any friends. Also, I wondered what it would be like to date an elemental. Did elementals date? These were questions I didn't feel comfortable asking my dad.

     I couldn't ask my mom either. These last few weeks had been tough on her. She had known I would be leaving, but it was hard for her to let me go. It was hard for me too. I had never spent a day of my life without her. I wish I could understand why she wouldn't come with me. Anytime I asked about her relationship with my father she found a way to change the subject.

     "What are you going to wear?"

     I looked down at my black hoodie and jeans. "I guess I should wear something nice, right?"

     She clasped her hands on my shoulders. "No, you should wear what you want. Your Dad will be ecstatic to see you regardless."

     I had to try one last time before I go. She might finally open up to me. I put my hands around her wrists so she couldn't escape. "I'm sure he'd like to see you too. Why won't you come with me?"

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