Chapter 10: The Crow's Victory

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The Crow looked at the three sound ninjas. The Crow came charging at them as a distraction. Two of the ninjas took one leap backwards, but one stayed in the front. He did some hand signs and he said, " Secret Sound Jutsu!"

A huge sound wave barrier came in front of the three sound ninjas and it stopped The Crow in mid-air and exploded it. "NO! CROW!" Kankuro yelled angrily. But all that was part of the plan that Kankuro came up with to distract the ninjas and they didn't even notice. The ninja smirked. By the time that the distraction was finished, the Crow's arm that slid away secretly was already behind the ninjas.

The arm jumped up and stabbed the leader of the three Sound ninjas straight through the heart and killed him instantly. He coughed up blood and dropped to the floor. The remaining ninjas looked at him on the floor. They gasped and then they ran to him. "How could we not notice that this was all a trap?" One ninja said.

"Now's my chance that they're distracted." Kankuro thought to himself. He took out his "Salamander" puppet and he took the head and one legs off of it with his chakra strings. Kankuro made it sneak up on the remaining ninjas. Spikes came out of the end of the head and the leg and it stabbed the remaining ninjas straight through the heart too, killing them instantly as well.

Both coughed up blood and fell to the floor next to the first sound ninja who died. "Yes! Now you did it Kankuro!" I said as I put my hands up in a fist. Kankuro turned around to me and gave me a thumbs up. "Good job Kankuro." Gaara said in his monotone voice.

"Thanks little bro." Kankuro said. "Alright guys, let's continue the mission." Temari said. "Right." Everyone else said. We started running to Orochimaru's hideout. It's at least 5 minutes to get there even in our full speed. Then, we heard a noise in the bushes.

"Stop." Gaara said. We stopped. We stayed quiet and turned to the bush that made the noise. We took out our kunai knives. We heard the noise again. I was about to throw my kunai knife at it until a bunny came out of the bush.

"Oh." I said surprised as I put my kunai knife away. Gaara sighed. "I'm so paranoid these days..." Temari said face palming. "Let's keep going..." Gaara said in his monotone voice. We turned around and continued walking to Orochimaru's hideout.

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