Chapter Three: Night And Day With Gaara

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We got back to the Kazekage's house and then Temari and Kankuro went to their rooms to go to sleep because it was 12:06 at night. Gaara went upstairs and went to his room. I followed him because I had nothing else to do. I opened the door and I saw him looking out his window. "Why don't you go to sleep?" I asked Gaara as I walked in and closed the door.

"Because I can't." Gaara answered me in his monotone voice. "But why?" I asked. "Do you know that I have a sand spirit inside of me locked away?" He asked me ready to be rejected just as he did as a kid. "Yeah, and I think that's awesome! What does that have to do with you going to sleep?" I answered.

Gaara was surprised that I thought that it was awesome and that he didn't get rejected this time. "Because if I went to sleep, then Shukaku will take over my body and then I will die and Shukaku will be unleashed." He answered me in his monotone voice. "Oh, well, then, can I stay with you to keep you company?" I asked Gaara. "Sure." He said.

I lied down on Gaara's bed and turned my head to look at him. Gaara was still looking out the window at the sand village. I closed my eyes slowly and then I fell asleep. 5 minutes later Gaara looked back at me and noticed that I had fallen asleep.

Gaara walked up to me and then he grabbed his blanket and then he put the blanket on me so I won't get cold. He blushed as he looked at me sleeping. Then he turned around and then he went back to looking out the window at his sand village.


When I woke up, I opened my eyes slowly and then I saw Gaara looking at me. "Good morning Gaara." I said sleepily and then yawned. Gaara blushed when he noticed I woke up. "G-Good morning (Y/N)." Gaara said as he looked away from me.

"So Gaara, what's for breakfast?" I asked Gaara. "I don't know, ask Temari." He answered me in his monotone voice. "Alright." I said as I took the blanket off of me and got up from Gaara's bed and walked to the door. I opened the door and then walked out his bedroom. Gaara looked back at me as I walked out and closed the door. Then he went back to looking out the window again.

I went downstairs and then i saw Kankuro in the living room. "Good morning (Y/N)." Kankuro said. "Good morning Kankuro. Do you know what's for breakfast?" I asked Kankuro. "No. Temari's making breakfast right now. Ask her." Kankuro answered me. "Ok." I turned around and then I went to the kitchen.

When I went in the kitchen, I saw Temari in there making breakfast. "What's for breakfast Temari?" I asked Temari.

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