Horrible Day

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Max's POV

I have to end it, I did something horrible my sister could have died. BECAUSE OF ME!!!!! I hope no one catches me. I don't how to do it do I cut my wrist,swallows some pills,or hang myself. I don't know yet but I need to write some notes. To Lulu,Mom,Dad and Luke.

Lulu- I'm so sorry for what I did,I know you hate me. I should have listen to Luke. I don't know what I didn't trust him and leave you two alone. I know some if the boys you dated that I ran away could have been you're soulmate but you have Luke now I sorta helped you out. I love you.

Mom and Dad-I love you guys so much but I have a few secrets. I'm having sex with a lot of girls. I bought a gun and threatened Luke. I need to kill myself, I want to kill myself. I now you guys probably hate me too. I'm sorry.

Luke- I know you hate me. I had no reason to try and break up and Lulu I just like Lulu to be single and not get hurt but I hurt her doing that I'm sorry.

I think I know what will do the trick. I'm gonna hang myself to my favorite song, PARTY IN THE U.S.A. I got get a belt and a chair from the kitchen. My parents are gone but Lulu is still here. I just hope she is the one that does find me. I here Lulu's footsteps so I better hurry up. I step up on the chair take three deep breathes and kick it over.

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